Marc Robin
{K:3385} 1/15/2003
And he has a really cool hat! Cheers, Marc
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 1/15/2003
this guy is VERY photogenic imo and another photo op is fanastic - go Dan go!!!
Dan Sanford
{K:300} 1/15/2003
Actually when I see Audry again tomorrow I plan on asking him if I could take his picture again, but this time under the shade of a nearby tree. I knew when I posted it that I would get comments on the bright sun. I still liked it though and wanted to post it. Maybe tomorrow I will have new ones of him. Thanks for all comments, they are all welcome, good or bad. dan
Lisa Howeler
{K:3706} 1/15/2003
Dawna: Don't meant to be rude, (just tired at the moment, really so I sound kind of rude) but I could care less if there is a white spot on the guys face. Maybe photographers don't strive for it, but it is what happened in this photo and I frankly don't see that it ruins it that much. This photo is real for once. I know Dan can handle criticism and I know he doesn't mind criticism -- I simply expressed an opinion.
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 1/15/2003
Dan - this would fit the character project very well. I think shooting this in some light shade would have made a better exposure possible, but you may not have had that option. The harsh sun on the face takes away from the quality of the image to me. If I have to shoot people in the direct sunlight, I get them to turn their back to it, and use a little fillflash.
Lisa: the overexposed areas are the bright white areas on the face, and is not what most people strive for in their work. Dan is a good photographer and I am sure does not mind hearing suggestions or comments such as this.
Dan Sanford
{K:300} 1/15/2003
Thank you for all your comments. The man in the picture, Audry was a very nice guy. I asked him if I could take his picture and he posed a few different ways for me. He seems to be a very intelligent man. He aksed me to bring him a print tomorrow.
Lisa Howeler
{K:3706} 1/15/2003
I don't think it looks over exposed, actually. I like the photo and I like the subject. What an interesting character to shoot. I like the way his head is tilted as if almost in a skeptical manner. I also like the brightness of the photo the way it is taken in the sun. It isn't as if it makes homelessness a good thing, but it doesn't make it as dark and scary as other photos do. It puts a face on the issue, not a feeling of foreboding.
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 1/15/2003
It looks a little overexposed as the highlights are blocked up. Try levels in Photoshop and use the middle slider to change the midtones. Great subject.
AJ Haselwood
{K:2148} 1/15/2003
Nice and sharp. The face is washed out a bit but nothing that can't be dodged down some. aj