Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 8/15/2007
Andy, I just read all the details you so kindly provided in comments here and I have to say I really appreciate knowing what went into making this masterful image. You have a very unique combination of factors, such as the unusual lighting provided at this location, that contribute to the uniqueness of this image and the success. Perhaps you should start advertising and charging other photographers admission to shoot there!! ;-)
Thanks again for all the details, I find them VERY, VERY interesting. I hope you get an award for this one and for your comments some recognition... this is soo good!
All the best, Brigitte
Brigitte R.
{K:25989} 8/15/2007
OMG, this is another stunning image.... your work extends beyond the ordinary. Wonderful, wonderful stuff, Andy! This one goes into my favs too! 7+++
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 1/20/2006
superb! as david states, this can not be a easy shot, plus 200mm is not exectly a extremely long tele, so you must be pretty close... beautiful picture Andy
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 1/20/2006
I've never seen bokeh made such an integral part of a beautiful picture before. Really, really weird bokeh, too. This is a splendid image. It's strange how you have motion blur in the wings in this image, taken at 1/1000th, and none in the other picture of a humming bird taken at 1/500th. Perhaps they were flapping their wings at different rates?
Baqer M. Jawad
{K:500} 1/18/2006
Really great shot very nice moment of capture !!
Kenneth Roine
{K:3538} 1/18/2006
WOW!! A great image!! Congratulations on a superb photograph. Ken
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 1/18/2006
Wow, what a hot Hummer shot! A perfect 'pose'
Andy Pollard
{K:1359} 1/18/2006
Thanks Ali and everyone...
This all started because my mother-in-law would like a hummingbird triptych for mothers day.
Fortunately I have some very cooperative hummingbirds at work. They are very friendly and allow me within a couple feet of them.
Here I was about 4 feet from the little guy, the circles are caused by glare from car windows in the parking lot about 50 feet beyond on the bush. The Canon 70-200mm 4L creates stunning bokeh (perfect circles).
The lighting is interesting on this particular bush, as the sun is coming from behind the hummer and the fill lighting comes from reflection off the glass building behind me (4.5 feet from the bush).
Thanks again.
Dwight Parks
{K:4426} 1/18/2006
This is one of the best images of a hummingbird I've ever seen and the colors, sharpness and dof are amazing! Excellent! Regards, Dwight
Ali Abu Ali
{K:855} 1/18/2006
This image is stunning. How was it taken??? Is the ISO 200 the cause of the light circles???
This image should take an award...
Efrain Frank Borges
{K:71} 1/18/2006
Simply beautiful.
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 1/18/2006
A wonderful shot of this hummingbird, Andy! Very well done to get the clarity and detail you've achieved. Dave.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 1/18/2006
a great wonder and so beautiful image with amazing details and very plesent to view , all of the best my friend ..
davide lupo-pasini
{K:8079} 1/17/2006
YESS! Fantastic shot and detail! very sharp and colorful you're a good eye! bravo! a favorite! Ciao Davide
david henderson
{K:16659} 1/17/2006
......given the degree of difficulty Andy, this is an incredible photograph, the composition and the colors are superb, wild life is incredibly hard to do well but I think I know a good one when I see one!!.......well done, cheers, david.