Andre Denis
{K:66407} 12/21/2006
Hi Laci, I must have been getting Mats Sundin mixed with Mats Wilander.
So many great players coming from a relatively small area! Funny how that happens sometimes.
You have a great Christmas and New Years too Laci! Andre
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 12/20/2006
Thank you so much Andre! Your tennis pictures are wonderful pictures! I wish I had the opportunity some day to take pictures about the top players like you did. My pictyres are just from my tennis club in the town. This little town Vaxjo gave some world stars to the tennis anyhow. Mats Wilander is from here. Jonas Bjorkman, Magnus Larsson are from here too. Nowadays even Stefan Edberg is living here and member of our club... No, Vaxjo is not Mats Sundins home town... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! Laci
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 12/19/2006
A nice Tennis study Laszlo! The colours and compostiton are first rate. We don't see a lot of tennis images here at Usefilm... You might be interested in my very small tennis section. http://www.usefilm.com/MyPortfolio.asp?ID=75868&PF=20921 ps Isn't Vaxjo Mats Sundin's home town? Andre
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 12/19/2006
Thank you so much Yazeed! Best regards, Laci
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 12/19/2006
Thank you so much Anne! Best regards, Laci
Yazeed Al Ghuraibi
{K:4588} 12/15/2006
very nice capture laszlo !
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 12/15/2006
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/23/2006
Thank you so much Jeanette! This is actually after the shot... :-) Yes, she is ready for the next one... :-) Best regards, Laci
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/23/2006
Thank you so much Ron! Best regards, Laci
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 1/22/2006
Such pose - really ready ;))
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 1/22/2006
Love the detail, excellent capture.
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/22/2006
Thank you Derek! I can tell you that despite of the low framerate the 5D is pretty much suitable for sport photography. The focus is very fast and accurate and way better than my 20D...Best regards, Laci
Derek Dixon
{K:4948} 1/22/2006
brilliant sport capture, the colours are very pleasant too. wow! you bought the new 5D... I'm really jealous now...
Partha Pal
{K:11619} 1/22/2006
The body language shows a lot of vigor. Timed shot. Well done. Partha
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/22/2006
Thank you so much! A seven means beautiful start for the day! Have a nice day! Best regards, Laci
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/22/2006
Sorry for the typing miss... "Image", "picture" was it and nothing else...
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/22/2006
Thank you so much for the comment! Have a nice day! Best regards, Laci
Laszlo Illes
{K:2019} 1/22/2006
Thank you so much Randy! This is a 12,8 MP digital camera and it is in the "Premium" segment of Canon digital line up. I love this camera for it´s "portability" (in comparison with my EOS 1V HS) and of the incredible imige quality of it... The high ISO on this camera is amazing... Have a nice day! Best regards, Laci
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 1/22/2006
stunning. 7
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 1/22/2006
stunning. 7
Salib Cross
{K:1972} 1/22/2006
wonderfuul shot regards
Randy Libner
{K:4084} 1/22/2006
I am an old school photographer with an F1-n, and have no idea how the EOS 5D ranks omongst todays digitals. .... but the shot is very impressive to me. Where does this camera fall in order of Cannons digital status?