Leonardo Perin
{K:-208} 1/28/2006
Pegou as nuvens na hora certa.Parabéns,grande foto.
Paulo Machado
{K:4482} 1/27/2006
Nada como uma bonita paisagem e uma grande angular. Cores lindas com um belo contraste entre o azul a o verde. Depois de um tempo sem postar colocou esta foto maravilhosa. Parabéns.
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 1/27/2006
O!What a beautiful scene.The sky and lihgt are great.Really,capture of master. Bravo! Czeslaw.
Czeslav Gavinkovski
{K:6800} 1/27/2006
O!What a beautiful scene.The sky and lihgt are great.Really,capture of master. Bravo! Czeslaw.
Kevin H
{K:22502} 1/27/2006
Those clouds are something. Beautiful colros and that road leads you to that sky. Keep up the good work.
{K:1987} 1/26/2006
Excellent landscape image: very interesting how the tree branches seem to capture the clouds behind... Ciao, Ck
José Vasconcelos Dias
{K:9341} 1/26/2006
As côres estão excelentes e a formação das nuvens é bastante original! Óptima captura! Um abraço
Brielle Du Flon
{K:1508} 1/26/2006
Very nice job. I love it. The sky and lighting is wonderful. Brie
Erbil Dabağlar
{K:1142} 1/26/2006
What a beautiful scene, clouds very impressive. Congrats.
Nicolas Iordănescu
{K:3193} 1/26/2006
Oh Wow! Excellent sky and the path takes us In. Well Done. Nikko
{K:2772} 1/26/2006
nice colors