Leonardo Broseghini
{K:306} 2/1/2006
A lot of comments for this shot. I thought landscape photo were too obvious. I have tons of this kind of pictures, but I prefer to publish something more "uncommon". For istance, I prefer the restourant photo I took in Bonifacio.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 2/1/2006
E vai, questa e' buona, una bella prospettiva e colori fantastici, Bonifacio l'ho vista in una giornata di luglio con un vento terribile, sulla scalinata che si intravede a sinistra il vento ha buttato a terra mio figlio che aveva allora 6 anni. Un bel paesaggio marino, complimenti. Ciao. enrico (ventrix)
Susan Cropper
{K:2166} 2/1/2006
Beautiful. Good composition.
Joggie van Staden
{K:41700} 2/1/2006
Beautiful landscape with a very nice composition and strong lines taking one through the image. The exposure is a bit problematic though. In this case I would have exposed for the white areas in order to retain detail in the white areas (-1EV to -2EV). Kind regards. Joggie
Kadir Erten &kadoo
{K:2757} 2/1/2006
great landscape....
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 2/1/2006
very great image
{K:2818} 2/1/2006
Excellent scape as well as nice color tones,well capture.