Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 2/3/2006
What a well composed shot with beautiful light. I like angle of the flower. Nice work indeed.
Robin W
{K:16308} 2/3/2006
Reidar Olsen
{K:144} 2/3/2006
Thank you a lot!!
Reidar Olsen
{K:144} 2/3/2006
Thank you for your friendly words.
Bob Pentz
{K:-318} 2/3/2006
Beautiful.... Saying any more would deminish the impact. Bob
Joel Aron
{K:14920} 2/2/2006
Very nice!
Very good DOF, and I love the painted with light look!
well done!
best, -Joel
Reidar Olsen
{K:144} 2/2/2006
Thank you!
Reidar Olsen
{K:144} 2/2/2006
Thanks a lot!
Reidar Olsen
{K:144} 2/2/2006
Thank you!
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 2/2/2006
Absolutely stunning.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 2/2/2006
wonderful soft pic, great lightning and colors. Very well done.
fahad alfahad
{K:483} 2/2/2006
very nice picture...I like the light in this picture