p e t a .
{K:18700} 2/18/2006
Wow, I've never done anything this brilliant with that lens! AMazing colours and clarity, well done Ann!
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 2/18/2006
Yes Ann the pharmacy should have something like that. Hope you get the problem solved. Thanks. Don.
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 2/18/2006
Thank you, Don, for your help. Where do I get a baby nasal aspirator from? Would a Pharmacy have them? The dust seems to be worse, now. I didn't have this problem with the 300D and I changed lenses with that one a lot, too. Very disappointing. You're on my friends list now, too. Cheers, Ann.
Ann Van Breemen
{K:13399} 2/18/2006
Thanks, Susie. I love the lens, too. The info you asked for is f8 1/500sec. I know I should add that but I always forget to look before I upload. Cheers, Ann.
Laurie Gould
{K:11942} 2/16/2006
Great composition. The colors on the fly are quite beautiful. :)
Susie OConnor
{K:34798} 2/15/2006
Wow Ann I am so impressed with that lens. Very beautiful shots you are getting with it. What was your apreature and shutter on this one? GREAT JOB! Susie
John Pitman
{K:8473} 2/15/2006
Great close up. John
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 2/14/2006
A beautiful picture. So well focused to produce the most detail and interest. Very nicely composed. Don.
Jason Mckeown
{K:22200} 2/14/2006
Another perfect Macro, well done Ann
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 2/14/2006
Hi Ann, What a beautiful macro could be any better and EXELLENT dof too. A 7 pointer. Riny
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 2/14/2006
Hi Ann, you have a beautiful portfolio..Outstanding work. I have a Nikon D70 and I use a baby nasal aspirator as a blower. Take the lens off, do the mirror lockup and hold the front of the camera down and use the blower to blow the dust out. Just be careful and not touch anything with the blower. You don't have to get the blower right down in the camera. After done put the lens back on and go out and shoot a couple of shots of the sky and you will be able to see if you have cleaned the sensor.http://www.pbase.com/copperhill/ccd_clean
This is a site to look at if you have dust you can't get off and need to really clean it. Proceed with care. Thanks so much Ann, going to put you on my friends list. Don.
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 2/14/2006
Ann fantastic 7+++ regards Romy
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 2/14/2006
Another shot with superb detail...great work Ann
Peppino Bonu
{K:7607} 2/14/2006
Another great job Ann! About the contrast may be it would also be better without the other flower in the background, but in any case I'd like this picture very much for composition, colours and details. Peppino.