Ornella Erminio
{K:4881} 6/19/2006
deliziosa 7
antonio nullus
{K:8540} 3/8/2006
Anche a te non manca l'occhio pronto! La simpatia di quel gatto è impagabile. antonio.
Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 3/7/2006
Now Thats what a cat loves to get its teeth into when your not looking Davide, this is so sweet dave.We had 8 at one time but now only left with 5 as three have passed over sob sob,this has cheered me up know end my friend it is nice to have a good shot like this occasionally!!!!!!!!.Well done Davide best regards to you on this image stay well and bright.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 3/4/2006
troppo carina lo sguardo del micio è decisamente fantastico!
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 3/4/2006
Il coltello è un avvertimento, una minaccia? Anche mia moglie ed io amiamo i gatti. Oltre il divertimento e la simpatia la foto è anche bella.
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/3/2006
eh eh eh.. amo i gatti e molto anche quei pazzi gatti rossi! simpaticissima roby 7
Mattia L.
{K:7625} 3/3/2006
:-))))))))))))))))))))))) Bellissima, mi ha messo di buonumore... Ciao!
davide lupo-pasini
{K:8079} 3/3/2006
eheheh... Kambiz i hope U are joking.... when i shot this pic, I was dining, and Leo, as usual was in front of me at the table in my family, we share almost everything with our pets... i assure you, it's hard to find someone who love animals like i do..... bye Davide
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 3/3/2006
Do you usually torture these cuties by putting their favorit food out of reach? How cruel you are! Shame! By the way not a bad image except the action of cruelly of yours.