Bill Gibson
{K:2701} 3/6/2006
great lines in your composition
Romy Fabian Garmaz
{K:17105} 3/5/2006
John beautiful composition, light, tones and shadows. regards Romy
özcan çeltikli
{K:3575} 3/5/2006
very pretty. excellent composition.
John E Robertson
{K:1752} 3/5/2006
Thanks for the comment Roger, the only thing I don't like about XP-2 is being at the mercy of the local lab for processing. Ilford used to do a lovely little two film dev kit for XP-1. the processing of this film was below my standard!!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 3/5/2006
This, John, is more the "look" of Ilford XP-2 Super that I have come to expect than the other (sepia toned) photo. Lovely range of tones, from unblocked highlights to dense shadows still with some detail in them, but without that sleepy look you get with low contrast. Very satisfying.