Ayşe Sanem Çolak
{K:4516} 3/15/2006
strong "at work" picture Sanjeev. you captured this working very thin boy in front of a simple wall but with the conditions in this street make complete your compositon imo.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 3/10/2006
This is a great shot, it almost has a distorted look with that long skinny body and slight motion in the shot. Alison
m ,
{K:15872} 3/9/2006
It is true indeed: “what we talk is nonsense” but if we do not exercise them! I fully have a handle on your anger and why you’re doubt and shout: “one just wonders next morning things are same“! I adore your philosophy and your honesty! Wish I could keep in touch. Unfortunately I am at the moment just a survivor and a sailor! I have to sail tomorrow and out of reach about 6 months! Hope you’ll be here when I’ll be back (exact 10.9.06) or pls. remember this e-mail: mirispalme@hotmail.com, who knows maybe we get to understand each other much better than now! Best regards: Maxime
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 3/9/2006
i loved the way u wrote i appriciate ur feelings but one just wonders next morning things are same these images cannot say things to you when one see them he relates the truth with in himself things strats reflecting withi his being like the reflection on water and there he cannot stand it so this feeling of revolt arise i cannot see it you are a free soul it ur free will live it u give the life to other in this way i call it diliverance and only a courageous one can do it not otherwise what we talk is nosense ....your words are beautiful i listened them and danced inside of me beautiful words "Your pictures no need a comment about how good they are and the perspectives and colours are amazing or not! Your pictures make me sad, awfully sad, make me mad extremely mad and make me to realise something I sometimes forget! I have to be beyond word very thankful to you for your marvellous job! This photo makes me to remember my responsibility as someone who is not hunger and has a chance to survive! "
Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 3/9/2006
Great shot! It captures the movement of the young guy. Also I like the textured background and the angle from which the shot is taken. Well done, MIchalis
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 3/9/2006
Una escena callejera cotidiana , excelentemente capturada. Felicitaciones!!!
m ,
{K:15872} 3/8/2006
Dear Sanjeev! You are without doubt a marvellous journalist and a great street-photographer. You have plenty wonderful images which help me to understand our real life! Your pictures no need a comment about how good they are and the perspectives and colours are amazing or not! Your pictures make me sad, awfully sad, make me mad extremely mad and make me to realise something I sometimes forget! I have to be beyond word very thankful to you for your marvellous job! This photo makes me to remember my responsibility as someone who is not hunger and has a chance to survive! This picture makes me really extremely angry dear Sanjeev and that why I truly love it!
 My photo of the day! |
m ,
{K:15872} 3/8/2006
I am going to use your own words here once more! If this is not the comment of the day, then I do not understand the world: “their are good and bad points in all walk of life with every character this rule apply ....but it is the question of who is going to say i am responsible for ur today how alone i have made u ...in the chrowds i have created corruption sown the seeds of distrust meanness and i am the one who created ur false god who is going to say no one so i think u are right this kid should be happy thinking he is not diying with obesity it is not the question why should i be called by anyone when i have my own free will to live why should i fill water when ur rockets can reach moon cant ur govt send water home what kind of people u are "govt' anyway i like ur motion work among the trees they appeared cage like falling upon the white ground”
{K:2284} 3/8/2006
great street and documentary shot excellent angle and cardrage great combination congrats..
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 3/8/2006
i like ur honesty for saying u cannot comment as their are times when image is their and words cannot come thanks for ur kind comment this is enough that u expressed it i am happy
sanjeev jain
{K:8763} 3/8/2006
their are good and bad points in all walk of life with every character this rule apply ....but it is the question of who is going to say i am responsible for ur today how alone i have made u ...in the chrowds i have created corruption sown the seeds of distrust meanness and i am the one who created ur false god who is going to say no one so i think u are right this kid should be happy thinking he is not diying with obesity it is not the question why should i be called by anyone when i have my own free will to live why should i fill water when ur rockets can reach moon cant ur govt send water home what kind of people u are "govt' anyway i like ur motion work among the trees they appeared cage like falling upon the white ground
lius hanzen
{K:2844} 3/8/2006
oh wa...stunning..cant comment. nice street shoot.
Judi Liosatos
{K:34047} 3/8/2006
Very good street capture Sanjeev. Keep up the great work.
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 3/8/2006
sad... but great documentary. great capture. cong. 7
Fatemeh Rahimi
{K:13523} 3/8/2006
oh! seeing such a thing in 21st century is so tragic! anyway it's a nice street photography. well doen Snajeev!
{K:26787} 3/8/2006
Hi Sanjeev! The picture of this skinny boy is striking at a time when children in some countries to an increasing degree suffer from obesity. Still, he can be much happier :)