City - State - ON THE WAY TO LAX Country - United States
I made this exposure after this guy initially irritated me. I set the focus by the scale ring and made a few exposures using the modified self timer. Although the film is color negative, I used PS to desaturate for a B&W effect. This is a true story and it happened two years ago when I brought my crew home from Singapore. Long flights are not fun for me. On the red-eye from Narita to LAX I had the distinct displeasure to sit across the aisle from this guy. I have never encountered such a rude, disgusting creep in my life. He made life miserable for the flight attendants and the two ladies sitting next to him. After a couple of hours it became too much. I had the three guys in my crew meet me at the after head and asked them if they'd like to help take care of this guy. The answer was a unanimous yes. I walked up to the forward flight attendant station and got half a cup of coffee. As I walked back to my seat, a sudden blast of turbulence caused me to stumble and spill all the coffee on this poor, unfortunate gent. He howled and hollered. I was profuse in my apologies. And this happened three more times. Then one of the flight officers whispered to him that there were many more volunteers willing to encounter turbulence on his behalf if he failed to end his nasty behavior. No one heard anything. The last half of the flight was much nicer.
Nice story, George. Some guys get their kicks out of being a pain in the ass. I don't see the pleasure in that myself... but it's nice for the rest of us when they get their come uppance.