James Cook
{K:38068} 6/17/2006
I love this kind of motion capture. Have a look at my Luxagraphia portfolio:
mohamed ahmed abd el rahim
{K:5753} 6/15/2006
nice controling of colours and motion regards mohamed ahmed
Caglar Erkenci
{K:1172} 3/15/2006
Thats a masterwork, it's just an illusion, welcome to usefilm!
Sedef Bingol
{K:561} 3/15/2006
Thanks for all comments, cheers...
selami Torun
{K:9397} 3/14/2006
Sedef tebrikler, iyi dusunce, iyi kompozisyon iyi kadraj. basarilarinin devami dilegi ile hosgeldin... sevgiler, saygilar
{K:1171} 3/14/2006
Very nice picture, nice colour and contrast. Thanks for sharing. Regards.
Huub Bogaers
{K:3065} 3/14/2006
Dear Sedef,
It is very beautiful and interesting, I really wonder how you did it!
regards, Huub