City - Bowman, Ga. State - GA USA Country - United States
This is the second of a series of photos that I took on a damp, cool day in Northeast Georgia. This is the remains of the home of Mr. & Mrs. Joel Harper from near Bowman, Ga. USA. Their home was a (almost) magnificient showcase little cottage/home located in Rural Georgia. Everything about their home was unique, perfect yards, Nice paint on House, a graveled drive, and many beautiful flowers. Though I was young and had just began to drive, I can remember driving past this home back in 1960's until early 70's. But eventually the owners passed on. The house stood vacant for years, some attempts were tried occassionally to refurbish. However in late 80's and 90's a series of "renters" lived there and steadily destroyed the dwelling. You can not imagine the junk and "pure" garbage surrounding this old homeplace. I expect it to be demolished anyday now. It is far from saving I believe.