Martin .
{K:24957} 4/16/2006
"DAMN" You didn't tell me you were this good,
Well done my friend,
Yahya El Hosafy
{K:8369} 4/11/2006
wonderfull angle and framing. very nicely toned, and presented. i like it alot. well done.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 4/11/2006
Your abstract ideas always are evoking and full of imagine. this is a well done that i see you have adjusted it as the light and exposure very well.the idea and the moment of clicking is realy awesome. very moody it is. i like the escope boarder and think that it works for it. bravo Brian as always. i would glad if you see my new submits too!
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 4/10/2006
Beautiful diagonal made of this Brian - excellent. I like the tones, the contrast on the metal fence and the shapes of people walking. Nice title for it too!!!!! If i could select this i would ;)))
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 4/10/2006
Linee rette e curve molto interessanti, buona la luce e l'angolazione.
João F * Photography
{K:41945} 4/10/2006
Brian excelent B&W eork!! joão