Yes, the other photo is much nicer, maybe the skin in the face shows too much texture, this could be smoothed out either in PS2 or the use of Neat Image or the like. My monitor is adjusted to Adobe Gamma and seems to be pretty good, not perfect but as good as I can get it without having to purchase those screen gizmo's. :-)
I apreciate your comments Clive and I agree with you, it is Just that My PSCS2 for some reason gives me different color, or I dont know if it is My monitor. I uploaded a different version here : Usefilm doesnt let you edit your Imge.. that is too bad. :( Thanks again.
Carlos, this is quite a nice portrait but IMHO it looks a little flat. Some work in an editor to adjust the levels and or Curves would, I think improve the overall tones, adding a little more contrast.