Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 3/25/2009
thank dear John for your comment, regards
John Bolloten
{K:-266} 3/23/2009
Great capture, well done
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 11/17/2007
Andre thanks for your nice remarks and for your visit carefully to my portfolio,
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 11/15/2007
Hi Diego, You have a very nice portfolio. I like the way you have a good variety of images yet you seem to keep a consistant style. I picked this one to comment on because it is a classic street shot very well done. The composition is perfect. I especially like the way you have included the graffiti heart on the left side of the image for some extra intrest. Like I said, lots of nice work in your portfolio, but this one stands out for me. Andre
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 10/29/2007
grazie Riccardo per il tuo bel commento... ...poi come vedi alla fine sono io che ho postposto una versione anche in bianco e nero, grazie per la tua gradita visita al mio portfolio, buona serata
Riccardo De Matteis
{K:1485} 10/27/2007
Stavo per postare una versione in bianco e nero, ma qualcuno mi ha preceduto. Bellissima foto. I was about to post a bw version, but someone did it before. Beautiful shot. Ciao Riccardo
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 6/4/2007
thanks Alison for your beautiful comment to this my photo of Moroccan children, salutes
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 6/3/2007
I think this is the one you were mentioning that was similar to mine, you are right and it is a great shot, the two have wonderful expressions on their faces. Alison
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 5/20/2007
thanks Lydia for this beautiful comment and the visit to my portfolio, regards
Lydia Nel
{K:3579} 5/19/2007
Lovely composition, Diego - great exposure - well done for including the heart top left - charming image.
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 3/29/2007
thank jose for your pleasant and en0couraging comment, regards my friend
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 3/29/2007
very weet.wonderful tones. great documentary. 7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 3/29/2007
thanks Harry for your beautiful comment, regards
{K:11377} 3/29/2007
A fantastic scene of these angels, Diego no words! Harry
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 11/19/2006
thanks Moe for your comment and the visit to mine portfolio, regards diego
Moe Rabie
{K:4390} 11/19/2006
this is cute, i like the wall too....
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 6/19/2006
hi Len, thanks for your comment a lot detailed, and for the visit to mine portfolio ... regards diego
Len Webster
{K:25714} 6/19/2006
Excellent. The shot contains a lot of character - human smiles against a rough wall carrying a painted symbol of love.
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 5/7/2006
grazie Maurizio per il tuo commento costruttivo, grazie ai consigli si può migliorare, sul bianco e nero ho provato a seguire il tuo suggerimento ed il risultato eccolo... sulla posa formale beh niente da fare, mi sarebbe piaciuto fare uno scatte meno formale e più di "gioco di bambini", ma appena mi hanno visto con la macchina fotografare hanno smesso di giocare ed eccoli spalle al muro in posa... ed essendo in vicoletti in una città straniera non ho voluto continuare a fotografare... grazie ancora saluti diego
Maurizio Massetti
{K:30463} 5/7/2006
Forse una foto "etnica" come questa, con inaspettate potenzialita', meritava una prova in bianco e nero. Ma l'unico vero difetto, secondo me, e' dovuto alla posa delle bimbe, fin troppo formale... Comunque bella!
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 5/4/2006
thanks Mary for your most pleasant comment, regards diego
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 5/4/2006
This is just a brilliant picture Diego. The expressions on their faces and their beauty. And the hand holding somehow gives strength. Very well captured.
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 5/3/2006
grazie donato per il tuo piacevole commento, saluti
donato r.
{K:16361} 5/3/2006
candide quanto tenere espressioni! magnifico doppio ritratto! ciao d.
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/25/2006
thanks Peter for your pleasant comment, regards Diego
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/25/2006
grazie Alberto per il tuo piacevole commento, saluti...
Peter Daniel
{K:33866} 4/24/2006
Wonderful Photograph, Great Colors. Very well presented. Children always seem to smile in the bad and good times. I also find chilren are hams when there's a camera around.
Thanks for sharing, and nice comment on my flower Photograph. GOD Bless... Your Friend, Peter Daniel
Alberto Romano
{K:2407} 4/24/2006
Immagine molto ben composta in cui hai saputo catturare le diverse (splendide) espressione dei bambini! Complimenti, molto bella Alberto
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/23/2006
gracias Alicia por su el comentario agradable y sincero a mi foto, han estado mucho aprecian!! saluti Diego
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/23/2006
thanks kemal for your pleasant comment, regards Diego
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/23/2006
hi Meldijana, thanks for your pleasant comment !! regards my friend diego
k o c (saatci)
{K:8257} 4/23/2006
Very nice photo and very good work and great light...
Kind regards... kemal.
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 4/23/2006
Qué buena imagen Diego!!!. has capturado un gesto que siempre llamó mi atención, cómo los niños buscan la protección de la pared si no hay algún humano conocido!. preciosos niños, estupendas texturas y... un corazón muy significativo!!! Felicitaciones!!!
Meldijana Omerbegovic
{K:4079} 4/23/2006
Very nice photo of so sweet children in the street,very good work. Kind regards Meldijana
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/23/2006
thanks ennio for your comment, regards
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 4/23/2006
excellent shot !!!
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/23/2006
hi Klaas, thanks for your pleasant comment !! regards my friend diego
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/23/2006
thanks Britney for your sincere comment, regards
Klaas Baas
{K:15111} 4/23/2006
A great capture here Diego, it's like Ann said, the hart says it all. Congrats. Kind regards,
brit warren
{K:1516} 4/23/2006
Love the sincerity of the pic. They are holding hands and it is so precious. Love the heart in the picture. It says it all. Very beautiful.
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/22/2006
thanks Rashed for your pleasant comment, regards Diego
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 4/22/2006
this is a wonderful moment been captured here and very great lighting, the details and colors are perfect , this image is so pleasant to view, all of the best my friend
Diego Bullita
{K:17017} 4/22/2006
thanks Kambiz for your pleasant comment, regards diego
Kambiz K
{K:37420} 4/22/2006
A very beautiful portrait of that sweet young kids with good lighting and expression.