Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 5/3/2006
not sure yet... I'd like to get it as large as I can and retain the image... 11 by or 16 by?
what is your recommendation?
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 5/3/2006
I think it will print up nicely and look great on your wall. How large are you making it? L:)
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 5/3/2006
Thanks giulio...
I was impressed as well when I saw the final image. By far I think my best photo of wildflowers that day...
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 5/3/2006
Thank you Lori,
this actually has to be my favorite of all of my wildflower shots. Looking forward to see how it prints in a large print.
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 4/28/2006
A very pretty whimsical image. Nice colors and dof.
Good job, Lori :)
Giulio Rotelli
{K:28441} 4/28/2006
great flower's macro... wonderfull colours and sense of composition.. the details are impressive
Mary Therese Marie's Photos
{K:2174} 4/28/2006
Thank you.. this is one of my favorites actually...
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 4/27/2006
Excelente macro, muy buena DOF. Felicitaciones!