Dale Ann Cubbage
{K:9755} 5/22/2006
Oh come on! You gotta tell me why you thought I was a guy! That's just not fair to give up the info!!! I'm totally cracking up . . and yes, I'm very much a GIRL!!
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 5/21/2006
Whoa!!! All this time (a few years I believe) for some reason I will NOT go into... I thought you were a "he." I have been checking in on your shots for what seems like ages (and commenting nothing because I am a lazy slacker) and enjoyed your images very much... yet, I thought you were ... never mind. Wonderful shot. Wonderful!
Mohammad Porooshani
{K:20765} 5/3/2006
Very good work Dale, I like the light source and it's reflection in the baby's face and total feel of the shot, Best wishes to you, Mohammad
Kay McIntire
{K:11787} 5/3/2006
Funny! We dive with fish like this sometimes- it is some kind of parrot fish- you can tell from it's "beak" or big lips. Looks like it might be sizing up the little girl for it's next meal!!!
{K:445} 5/3/2006
Nice catch, impressive compossition.
Miguel Angel Muñoz
{K:1164} 5/3/2006
Maravillosa comunicación. Habría que bajar el blanco del pez del fondo. El resto excelente.