Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 5/19/2006
Thanks Jim, I've seen your shots of Niagara here at UF, good ones. Cheers, n.j
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 5/19/2006
Pawel, the shot is uncropped so I have no option on this frame to comply to the rule of thirds, however I have another shots from the same spot and those have nice placement of the fall's step on the strong line, the problem is however that I'm cutting of the foreground, which I consider as a important part of the composition. One notch down on the zoom and I have it all OK next time. Pozdrowienia, n.j PS. Hey,I'm just thinking I may try to stitch the two shots together and then crop it nicely. beautify the picture crop.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 5/18/2006
great unusual see of these falls. the people just gives us a nice idea of the scale. greatly done.
Pawel Kwasnicki
{K:9651} 5/18/2006
lovely shot Andrzej, great blue and amazing mist given by the falling water! nice compo, best regards, Pawel PS ja bym może pokazał troszeczkę więcej góry- żeby ten super niebieski kolorek wody dopływającej do krawędzi wodospadu wypełnił 1/3 wysokości kadru- rozumiesz...? co myślisz?...ale to tylko takie moje tam...
Pawel Kwasnicki
{K:9651} 5/18/2006
lovely shot Andrzej, great blue and amazing mist given by the falling water! nice compo, best regards, Pawel PS ja bym może pokazał troszeczkę więcej góry- żeby ten super niebieski kolorek wody dopływającej do krawędzi wodospadu wypełnił 1/3 wysokości kadru- rozumiesz...? co myślisz?...ale to tylko takie moje tam...
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 5/18/2006
Beautiful capture of this waterfall..the people stood on the side put in to perspective the size of this waterfall..nessa
Jim Budrakey
{K:24393} 5/18/2006
I like this a lot, it's not your usual view of "The Falls" (one of my favorite places on the planet). Well seen.
Andre Denis
{K:66407} 5/18/2006
Very nice Andrzej! The power and sheer size of Niagra Falls is depicted here. It was a very wise choice to leave the people in the image on the left side. They put the falls in perspective, for those who have never been there. Beautiful colour, clear and crisp too! Andre
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 5/18/2006
Powerful!!! Leo
Sophie King
{K:3250} 5/18/2006
I took one look at this and said: "this has to be Niagra!". A spectacular capture of a world known icon. Sophie
Anne Grindle
{K:842} 5/18/2006
Love the picture, the colors, the water. It's beautiful
Austin Yapp
{K:508} 5/18/2006
grwat colors, love the mystery of leaving out the bottom of the waterfall by the grass