ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 5/26/2006
Fabio powerfull as well!
Pawel Kwasnicki
{K:9651} 5/26/2006
amazing composition for those lines and shapes, good contrasts; best regards, Pawel
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 5/26/2006
That's what Dr. Freud would say. Dr. Springmann would say different. Regards, Rafi
 Queen of hearts |
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/26/2006
dr.freud would say, that this 'neuritic inflammation' is of neurotic origin (i.e. a symptom of your subconscient refusal to participate any longer at usefilm's:)))
Dr. Rafael Springmann
{K:89517} 5/26/2006
Sorry for being so late in replying to your comment & for this standard reply. I had a neuritic inflammation in my shoulder & that prevented me from using the computer for some time. Hope to be back soon. Best regards, Rafi
Masahiko Shibata
{K:14107} 5/26/2006
Volacano of an old planet!!(Yutaka and me will introduce famous Zen places when you will visit Japan!!)
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 5/26/2006
Patterns, time,age - you - them - we Jeanette
Sed Uz
{K:76} 5/26/2006
it`s very sexy for some reason...