Clive Carter
{K:8603} 9/8/2006
Thank you Nilanjan, yes it's an old negative, taken back in 1958, taken with a K20 aerial camera from a Sunderland flying boat.
Nilanjan Mitra
{K:12955} 9/7/2006
WOW.. thats a old stock and its beautifuly capture too :)
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 7/6/2006
Very neat retro photograph. Wish all my photos had survived the move here, move there thing. Glad you still have this one.
Thanks for your suggestion about the program, I'll have to try it out.
Best wishes, Dave
Juan Gonzalo Marcano Prieto
{K:14254} 5/27/2006
buena toma, colores muy nitidos, excelente
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 5/27/2006
I had many negs and prints of various aircraft and shipping but..over the years have lost most of them. Moving from house to house and country to country, it's surprising the amount of stuff that gets lost!
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{K:9196} 5/27/2006
I'm glad you kept it Clive.
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 5/27/2006
Yes Terry, I did take this. I still have the negative somewhere. There were many shots taken by me but..this is one I kept for posterity :-)
Clive Carter
{K:8603} 5/27/2006
No George, I had no idea what this sub was. Being a young photographer, my job was to photograph all naval vessels irrespective of what Country they were from. This info was then passed on to our allies. It was an exciting time in the late fifties and the Sunderland flying boats must be sorely missed, they did a marvelous job in surveilance, search and rescue, and picking up sick people from the various islands around the pacific. I could ramble on but..times have changed. Thanks for the info will note that down.
George Marks
{K:15437} 5/27/2006
This sure brings back some fond memories. I don't know how much you know about this photo, but this was a Gato class (maybe Balao class) fleet submarine that had been converted to a radar picket type of boat with the addition of that rather large radar antenna and some specialized communications equipment. After the radar picket destroyers took such a beating off of Okinawa in 1945, the navy tried the same concept using a submarine that could dive and avoid the attacks that sank so many surface pickets.
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{K:9196} 5/27/2006
Wow! Did you take that Clive? Very nice. I want one. :)