z z
{K:7231} 6/28/2006
I can hang out in your portfolio all day. Loved my visit!
Burak Tanriover
{K:16610} 6/12/2006
:=) very good work,well composed.
Karina Brys
{K:16541} 6/10/2006
Great crop! Fun image :-)
Mohsen Bayramnejad
{K:21377} 6/8/2006
Wow Paolo!...This is fantastic! You have a really great ,at it's mean, collection in UF! This is really an awardy shot,I think! your artistic composition just great...make me a lot of different feels! anyway..You have great and creative mind my dear and i wish you all of my best!..From Iran!
Giuseppe Guadagno
{K:34002} 6/8/2006
"Suf" means sufference for being so tight tied and unable to mouve. Simpatica! Ciao Paolo.
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 6/8/2006
Very effective composition with the little dog being tugged at by unseen master, a real photo hound.
Eligiusz Langner (ennio)
{K:3006} 6/8/2006
superb !!!!
Ace Star
{K:21040} 6/7/2006
nice shot! detials and tones r impressive :) excellent work brother Suf sounds like a band to me just a thought! search yahoo LoL
wish you all the best
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 6/7/2006
Simpatica e bella street.
Enrico Gori
{K:1645} 6/7/2006
troppo simpatica! grande occhio paolo enrico
k o c (saatci)
{K:8257} 6/7/2006
Good composition and beautiful tones with lighting.
Regards. Kemal
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/7/2006
thanks my friend!
Liz Wallis
{K:26133} 6/7/2006
great shot Paolo..I love the composition, and the second shot too
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 6/6/2006
First i thought poor little one so lonely but now i see he´s not. Nice capture and also of suf :) Jeanette
Olga-Eva Krajciova
{K:19240} 6/6/2006
heh, version with oner is pretty cool as well owner is like from few crazy movies...like antonioni´s blow up :)
Olga-Eva Krajciova
{K:19240} 6/6/2006
the dog makes me curious what he is watching at?...seems like on the right site is something what i can´t see but the dog can see it, reminds me one of stories written by Stephen King, even this one is not horror or any kind of stories that makes my nerves gone :) but the dog watching something unvisual for me makes picture magical and if i look at it without this mysterious idea, i can see very nice street picture and very lovely small dog :) nice one, paolo olga
Nigel Watts.
{K:5236} 6/6/2006
Great, I like the dog Nigel
Robert Kocs
{K:89085} 6/6/2006
Great street shot, well captured! The details and puppy are amazing. Really nice urban still life a little cutie doggy! Well done my friend!
Ciao dear Paolo! Robert
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 6/6/2006
eccellente.. tutto spazio per il cucciolo.. favorita! buona serata.. roby 7+
whoiswho t
{K:10700} 6/6/2006
a very good moment photo.
Hugo de Wolf
{K:185110} 6/6/2006
Hi Paolo, Super use of film, heh? I won't start what the word SUF means in Dutch, but I can assure you it's not really complimentary, and thus unsuitable for this photo...:)
I like the reluctant dog, and I think it attracts more attention to it (luckily) than the writing on the wall, which sure is a good backdrop for this city scape. Good photo.
josh evilsizor
{K:1417} 6/6/2006
wonderful capture Paolo!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 6/6/2006
splendid street photo
Mahdy Charafeddin
{K:1998} 6/6/2006
nice composition. the mood is stunny. very well done.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/6/2006
thanks so much! PAOLO
Marco Vredegoor
{K:7301} 6/6/2006
Excellent street shot! really good colors.. maybe it could use some more lighting. The characters SUF are really powerful in the shot. In dutch the word "suf" means "dull", and that is not what this picture is. Maybe only the look in the dog's eye is "suf" :) Kind regard, Marco
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/6/2006
The two shots together tell a story.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/6/2006
Surely the dog read it as "woof". Great light and colours here paolo. Congrats.
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/6/2006
eheh forte Simone! comunque ero a Bologna..qui tutti stranieri i siti.. ciaoo e grazie PAOLO
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 6/6/2006
Il canetto sta proprio bene... Vediamo dei possibili significati per SUF:
http://www.ungdomsfront.dk/ http://www.uppfinnareforeningen.se/page.asp?pageid=1922 http://www.scouts-unitaires.org/ http://www.suf.ch/
Filippo Giorgio
{K:2158} 6/6/2006
Piccola emozione del quotidiano al volo...
Mattia L.
{K:7625} 6/6/2006
Il tuo occhio non si smentisce mai ! Great shot!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 6/6/2006
marvelous tones. wonderful compsoition. great shot.
Piero Somma
{K:13399} 6/6/2006
wooow paolo!...grande compo...ottimo colpo d'occhio! ciao
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 6/6/2006
yes Ben but i have also a different version with the owner..take a look best regards PAOLO

Ben Trumbull
{K:1614} 6/6/2006
The dog looks like he really wants to be in the picture! Perhaps the owner disagrees?