{K:17951} 10/2/2007
molto grazie Nicola!!
{K:17951} 10/2/2007
Many thx Simone!!
{K:17951} 10/2/2007
Thank you for adding me as a friend. I am also looking forward to your new creations. stay simple and beautiful!! big hug dear Edlira
Edlira Voges
{K:6410} 10/1/2007
Dear Maja, First of all I want to really thank you for taking the time to look though my portfolio,thank you so much for your interest in my work.Big hug& a kiss for that! now about this photo... it is composed so well & B&W really makes one look at the story behind the photo.great job dear friend hugs E.
{K:17951} 7/9/2007
Many thanks dear Fabrice
{K:61359} 7/9/2007
Great play with light and contrast in this one Maja. I love the way you captured and you framed it. This is a dramatic story and shot. Perfect for the project. Cheers
{K:17951} 7/5/2007
Od srca ti hvala Marinko..
Marinko Saric
{K:878} 7/4/2007
e to je to, bravo.7
{K:17951} 4/12/2007
Dragi Gazso, rado bi ti pokazala original ali virus mi je uletio u komp i sve slike su nestale.. hvala na ocjeni!!
Gazs๓ Attila
{K:818} 4/11/2007
Da bi znala, da je u ovoj zajednici, i nije sama... Divna fotka. Samo iz inata bi voleo videti i sliku u boji. Rad za 7+
metoni .
{K:24727} 8/24/2006
Odlicna fotografija a od opisa da se najezis. Lijep rad.
Esad Mulabegovic
{K:546} 7/19/2006
Odlicna kompozicija i dobro uhvacen trenutak.
Etem Etem
{K:3551} 6/11/2006
Very nice street/every day shot.Congrats!
Ferran Rial
{K:6670} 6/7/2006
Sad story Maja. Good capture!
Nicola Barbieri
{K:18000} 6/7/2006
Great juornalism shot... Congrats! ciao, Nicola
Simone Tagliaferri
{K:28180} 6/7/2006
Bella e molto realistica. Complimenti.