Studio East
{K:3349} 7/6/2006
Pablo Dylan
{K:63918} 7/6/2006
Great!!!!very nice shot!!
Studio East
{K:3349} 6/29/2006
Thanks, Sam
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 6/29/2006
maybe I couldn't say clearly my mentioned,because I'm not fluent in English language. let me describe more...I mean : I saw like your pic which was taken by that person.ofcourse both pix are diffent althghou the composition look like together.I hope ,I could transmit my idea to you :)
Studio East
{K:3349} 6/29/2006
Thanks, Dave
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 6/29/2006
Excellent timing and focus on these guards! Very colourful shot, too. Dave.
Rashed Abdulla
{K:163889} 6/28/2006
what a wonderful moment here and very impresive expouser, great composition and perfect details and colors, all of the best my friend
Studio East
{K:3349} 6/28/2006
Thank you very much.. :-p)
Studio East
{K:3349} 6/28/2006
Thanks Francisco.. You got it.. :-)
Studio East
{K:3349} 6/28/2006
Thanks, Gary
Studio East
{K:3349} 6/28/2006
Thank you.. if yourefer to this: http://www.hasanpix.com/show.php?imageid=597 I think it was good shot, but my image has name Pas Des Trois.. if you noticed the fifth leg.. :-) cheers
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 6/28/2006
So well timed and a perfect exposure. An image to be proud of. Regards, Gary
Sam Kh
{K:19017} 6/28/2006
perfect shot I have seen like this shot which has been captured by Iranian photo journalist,Hassan Sarbakhsian. if u wanted u could visit his website:www.hasanpix.com
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 6/28/2006
Just like through a mirror! Good timing and eye for the moment. I love the naked leg on the wall matching the dynamics of the two guards.
Great composition and detail.
Cleveland Smith
{K:7006} 6/28/2006
Sin Vida, great capture with this image, colors etc. are right on. Pas Des Trois, yes, and the third dancer is on the wall.