Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 1/26/2007
Thank you Alice. I wish I could reciprocate your kindness.
All the best.
Alice M
{K:1425} 1/25/2007
well done
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 12/30/2006
Franjo, so powerful image, full of wonderful emotions ... I can feel them even here :) Perfect presentation of how love can be deep and amazing ! Exellent done my friend. 7 +++ AGAIN !!! Take care, SRNA
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 12/30/2006
What a wonderful comment dear Modesty, you really understood the power a picture like this can have in ones soul.
Thanks my dear.
Modesty Blaze
{K:447} 12/29/2006
this reminded me of the Bangles and their eternal flame "...I believe it's meant to be, darling I watch when you are sleeping, you belong to me Do you feel the same, am I only dreaming Or is this burning an eternal flame? ..."
Studio East
{K:3349} 7/18/2006
You found a beautiful shot (I guess it was a duoble reflection). Perhaps b&W would help to concetrate on the subject. Regards
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 7/14/2006
Eres tan gentil y bella. Gracias Martita. Te cuento que fue una de esas epifanías, con sus pies en mis piernas y yo sin moverme para que no se despertase, miré hacia afuera, y como que mis ojos no se quisieran apartar de ella (era mi último día en Serbia), se re-enfocaron en su image en vez de las luces crepusculares. Tenía la cámara a mi lado y trate distintas configuraciones hasta que salió la que me gustó.
Gracias por visitarme en el tren....
marta boro
{K:3245} 7/14/2006
Qué maravillosa imagen plena de poesía y ensoñación. Completamente onírica y rebosante de bellza. Estas cosas que suceden en la fotografía me fascinan....Realmente excellente ojo! Un abrazo,Marta:_))
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 7/13/2006
This "beholder" sees beauty beyond reflexions and sighs upon the view of his sleeping muse and the happy memories collected in your amazing land.
Thank you dear Marija, your words are very touching.
All the best.
Francisco :)
PS: 74_30? or 74_32?
Marija Ristic
{K:4136} 7/12/2006
Beauty is in the eyes of a beholder :)
Lovely image of your lovely girlfriend. I am also touched by your heart-felt note. What a dreamy image, so beautiful, Francisco!
regards Marija:)
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 7/12/2006
What a dreamy photo...well seen, Francisco.