Luis Steinberg (EFIAP)
{K:21250} 8/11/2006
And these other is PERFECT...LUIS
{K:1665} 7/28/2006
Wow... otherworldly. Like a matte painting of another planet, used as a backdrop in Hollywood SF movies... really stunning!
One minor thing: the curved horizon is a bit distracting -- I'm sure you can change that in PS -- then there would be nothing to complain...
Cheers Jaques
Alessandro Capelli
{K:34805} 7/24/2006
Great low shutter! It's a beautiful effect..give some magic at the shot..very well taken! ale
Michalis P.S.
{K:10136} 7/22/2006
Amazing capture. Long exposure created a beautiful result here. Very nice colours. Well done, MIchalis
Doyle Caviness
{K:290} 7/22/2006
A most interesting shot. Well done!
gun ash
{K:244} 7/22/2006
Maurizio Ubaldini
{K:1350} 7/22/2006
Only one word,Beautifulst!!!
Ciao Maurizio
Steve Cowell
{K:235} 7/22/2006
Very impressive.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174151} 7/22/2006
Beautiful, powerful...emotional...