Hi There Doyle, Firstly, thanks so much for your advice. I knew the image wasn't quite right but wasn't sure what to do with it. The photo was taken in a bar in new zealand that was -5 degrees celcius. Everything in there was made of ice, even the glasses. the original was very blue, with red lighting throughout the bar.i did use curves to adjust the colour a little, but the mids could have done with more of a tweak. also, the background of the original had the back of some peoples heads in it. it tried to clone the top section (the ice bar)down the sides, but im not good enough to get a good join of subject and background. Anyway, thanks again. simon.
Hmmmm . . . well, I rarely decline a cocktail (LoL!) . . . but it might be better at the beach!! :) Interesting shot and POV with a nice and unique color scheme . . . cool blues and blacks nicely set off by the accented warm color of the drink and the warm skin tones. In my opinion you could have a more dynamic composition in this shot with a more aggressive crop. pulling in the left side and pulling up the bottom would leave the interest points neatly aligned in the rule of thirds composition and very dynamic indeed. A slight nudge on the midtones would also sharpen it a bit. Personal preference . . . other people may have their own thoughts on this subject! :) That's not to say that you don't have a very cool image here as it is (excuse the pun)! Nice Work!