István Kállai
{K:-64} 9/23/2006
Hello Renzo! Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you like my picture. I used a Nikon Coolscan III. It's not a 'hi-tec' scanner, but for my puroses it's very good.
Best Regards, István
Renzo Nuńez Melgar
{K:409} 9/23/2006
Hi Istvan.
Very nice photo , the enviroment and the temperature of the color, all perfect, very good shot. Please Istvan, can u give me model of the scaner that u used to scan this slide ? thanks a lot. and congrats. Renzo.
István Kállai
{K:-64} 9/22/2006
Köszönöm, hogy benéztél, Anikó és örülök, hogy tetszik ez a képem.
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 9/22/2006
You're welcome, Istvan!:)
István Kállai
{K:-64} 9/22/2006
Thanks for the comment Cessy! I'm glad you like it.
István Kállai
{K:-64} 9/22/2006
Thank you very much, Shirley!
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Hat Istvan!
Nagyon tetszik ez a gyonoru kep.
Nem irok jol Magyarul... Megertek majdnem mindent Magyarul olvasva. Edesanyam segit. Nem akarom elvesziteni anyanyelvemet, de van mikor Angolul kel irni!
The character in the face is so charming. The whole tone of this magnificent portrait is warm and pleasing!
Az a kep nagyon jol bemutatott.
Udv! Aniko :)
cessy karina
{K:14205} 9/3/2006
beautiful portrait excellent capture of details on the face I like the colors also
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 8/30/2006
A very nice portrait, Istvan!