Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 9/24/2006
Thank you, Jacques! I had found out what it stood for in the mean time, but thanks anyway.
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/23/2006
DOF for Depth Of Field
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 9/23/2006
Thank you, Aniko, for this lovely compliment. I like to think that I'm on the right track, but I'm still not pleased with my work. Wish I had more time to work with photos, to experiment, to get more experience... All the best, my friend! Alex
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 9/22/2006
Again, Dear Alex... you have demonstrated your wonderful talents. I am very fond of this image! Well done!
Warmest Wishes my friend! Aniko :)
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 9/21/2006
I understood you ment the mood of the picture, but I set my camera so that the picture would not seem overexposed or underexposed. The result is what you saw. Longer exposer have resulted in an overexposed image, and shorter in a dark image. I tried a sort of manual braketing. Nice thing - inheriting a SLR. Ask him if you can "inherit" a DSLR from the electronics shop :)
Jason Hopson
{K:3283} 9/21/2006
Hi again, Alex.
I did not mean to say that the image would be improved by changing exposure times, only that that would be a way to change the atmosphere of the picture. The shutter speed used was good to capture the movement of the water. I have only started recently with slr myself, and still have much to learn.
I know what you mean about saving up for a camera: the AE-1 I currently use was purchased in the early 1980's by my father, and I 'inherted' it when he went digital.
Bye 4 now, Jason.
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 9/20/2006
Thank you, Alejandro! I am pleased to hear that the image creates an auditory as well as view felling.
Alejandro Gómez
{K:4270} 9/20/2006
Great photo, I like it very much. I can ear water over rocks.
Célia Santos
{K:218} 9/19/2006
Bela foto!!!! Adorei o contraste da agua... Essa cor amarela dando um destaque.... Linda!!! Parabéns!! Célia santos
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 9/19/2006
Thank you, Jacques! Just one question: DOF stands for... Digital Oblivian Furniture?
jacques brisebois
{K:73883} 9/19/2006
great water movement, very nice angle and perspective, very impressive DOF. Good job.
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 9/19/2006
Thank you for your interesting comment, Jason. I know these things as well! The only problem is that I currently have a digital compact Sony of 4mps and begginer features, no additional lens, no filters. I'm just lucky it has the manual function button, where I can adjust the exposure time. I'm saving some money for a SLR, but until then "a man does what he can, until his destiny is revealed to him(The Last Samurai)" Thanks again!
Jason Hopson
{K:3283} 9/19/2006
Alex, this is a nice image.
Just a couple of suggestions: you could have used a faster shutter to capture more detail in the moving water. Conversely, you could have used an even longer shutter time to make the water appear smoother.
I really like the hints of autumn colour in the foreground and background.
Best regards, Jason.