Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 10/12/2006
Guili... esto te va a gustar...
Gayle's Eclectic Photos
{K:91109} 10/2/2006
i wish that everyone could see the significant improvements that this dog,Maria,has achieved in just a few short weeks under your care at the sanctuary...i am so glad to know she was adopted by a family who has other dog family members :) Good photojournalism shot and admirable work you do,dear friend peace,gayle
Ziad Kadi
{K:2847} 9/26/2006
I hope this will contribute into ending animal cruelty in your country Ivan. The poor dog looks terrified. :(
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 9/26/2006
me encanto...bello final de la historia, creo que mi proximo perro vendra desde turquia :)
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/25/2006
Gracias Ruth,
A ver si te gusta esto...
el resultado final de lo que hacemos..
r u t h d r io
{K:4339} 9/25/2006
tristeza, no te puedo decir otra cosa...bueno, si..gracias por hacer lo que haces
{K:6731} 9/25/2006
I see that you must be an animal lover & I wish more people were. Animals so often get treated worse than anyone. Some of your pictures are heartbreaking but maybe this is what is so important about photography, the ability we have to portray what we see that often others do not. Bless you & your work. You have many wonderful pictures!
Oui Lee
{K:3238} 9/25/2006
realmente lamentable. vi la web y es conmovedora. pobres animales. creo que la labor que haces es fantástica ivan. que seter mas bonito y flaco...
Jack Aldridge
{K:45} 9/25/2006
Some photos need to be posted, even when terrible subject matter is present. Thanks.
Ivan Jimenez
{K:9078} 9/25/2006
Dear Mehul,
Thank you for your note. Glad the image touched one more heart. I am not as optimistic as you regarding an end to all this injustice.. well.. actually, you could be right.. if man continues treating not only animals but nature in general with so much disregard, he will be facing his own extintion. Looking at the way things are going wouldn't be surprised if it happened sooner or later.
Thank you very much my friend.
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 9/25/2006
Hi Ivan,
This really touched my heart, when I saw how in Istambul they treat the dogs, I think a human being can be judget by the way he behaves with the animals.
Thank you for opening the eyes to this thing, I believe this will change soon.