This little beauty was buzzing down the road, so I turned around and followed it into the shopping centre where I pestered the proud owner for a couple of pics. The driver enters the vehicle via an FRONT (I mean front) opening door, which the steering wheel is attached to! The back seat passengers enter the vehicle via A SIDE door!(the one closest to the kerb!) We might have progressed from this design !
Hi - Glad you liked the attachment. I just thought it appropriate, and as mentioned B4, your responses have a flair that is refreshing. Thanks for your Email return! talk soon...... JD
Ohhhh You are really very kind JD ...a yellow rose for 'friendship' .... no one has been this thoughtful to me in this way. Thank You my friend. The best feature I find in the 'friendship' deal is when I like ones images, and style then I just click my 'friends' icon... and their images are right there ......but you have probably found this out by now ? I haven't loaded any since Sat. am tho . . . so it propably won't show until I up-load some this afternoon... ( evening..) I have 4 I am working on . I appreciate your critiques, and helpful advise very much so you can elaborate if you like at or here, however you are most comfortable.
Hello Michele (friend), I have never used this facility B4, so I will have to re-read the rules to see the advantages of this. There has been times that I wanted to expand on some of my comments to you, but I don't know if it is 'kosher' to ask for your Email. Or is this new set-up like Email? If you know and is OK, let me know, Michele. Kind Regards JD
Thank You JD ...I do appreciate this kind gesture , and so 'no signing over your house, nor your first born' for this !! Many 'thak you's tho ' !! Michele~
Yes, Michele. I would like to be an associate/ fiend...oops, friend. Pardon my frivolity, please, I am serious about some things, but I have a wicked sense of humour too! As I mentioned before, your passion for photography shines through your colorful comments, which must be entertaining for a lot of other Usefilm subscribers as well. Do I have to do anything, like sign my HOUSE over to you, or... Keep in touch, Michele. Your friend, JD
I found this very interesting JD... You discribed it very well...or so I think I understand on how it's set up ... A nice clear , colorful image as well ! Can I add you as an associate , or friend JD ? I like your work and you are serious...I have been bombarded lately with some who act like this is a dating service and not enough to do with photography or even their country & culture...which is really why I am here...(?) I understand you may not have much time and that's ok by me... I do like to view your work tho and to look you up each time it would make it easier for me... If not ... I understand this too.