john davis
{K:1684} 10/9/2006
Thanks...I've led a VERY sheltered life...well in respect to photography, anyway. I'm glad I asked you, just the same. Cheers JD
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/9/2006
Hi john ..short for back drop ..nessa
john davis
{K:1684} 10/5/2006
Thank you, 'nessa. yes the expression says it all, doesn't it? I have had a little peek at you site and you have some VERY interesting pics there. Keep up the good work. ps..pardon my ignorance, what's b/d? Kind regards JD
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/4/2006
Good timing john..love his expression ad the hat flys off..lovely b/d ..nessa
john davis
{K:1684} 10/4/2006
Yes, Rebecca, very observant of you ! There was some gunk on it that needed attention. Hope this clears this up, you will B able to sleep now. Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated. JD
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 10/4/2006
Is this a re-post? I am sure I have seen this before....R
Michele Carlsen
{K:146013} 10/3/2006
Your timming was right on que ! Super candid image JD. Good humor ! I like this best of quality or not ...
This one makes a person smile !
Very good and quick thinking .