Girish Chonkar
{K:6903} 5/12/2005
Congrats for SC and compliments for this picture, very nice grainy effect and nice catch.
{K:30945} 11/3/2004
Lovely! Kisses, Biliana
{K:30945} 4/16/2004
Lovely! Kiss, Biliana
Moises Levy
{K:782} 3/25/2004
Great Shot
{K:16125} 3/12/2004
Wonderful...and congrats..what a perfect pair of feets...lol
Mari Mar
{K:11469} 3/12/2004
Dina Marie
{K:-1410} 3/12/2004
well deserving! this goes right into my favorites!!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 3/12/2004
..wonderful shot.. lovely and life!
roby 7+
Lori Stitt
{K:75282} 3/12/2004
Lori :)
{K:10691} 3/12/2004
Tony Denton
{K:122} 3/12/2004
Great composition and fantastic use of mimial depth of field. The blur behind the feet really makes this a special image which, when added to the soft grainy feel, makes it an original take on a much photographed subject.
Grisellidys Alsina
{K:978} 3/12/2004
I love this one! Congratulations....
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 3/12/2004
Beautiful, touching shot. COongrats for the EC...all 3 times! lol.. Well deserving!
Evina Schmidova
{K:2034} 2/17/2004
Beautiful!! ;-)
{K:1185} 10/1/2003
wow ..the best in your portfolio imho.. PK
Morten Jensen
{K:357} 9/26/2003
Beautiful :-)
Perestrioika R
{K:440} 9/21/2003
technically, i lack the knowledge so cant quite give vishesh tippani. lol .but i've added it to my favorites. its brilliant. makes me smile.
Marusnik Bela
{K:11611} 6/9/2003
Incredible shot, excellent composition, very good work!Congrats!
Satyaki Ghosh
{K:10} 6/9/2003
Only Word: Excellent!!
Mariusz Margas
{K:473} 6/9/2003
Rena Tsiflidou
{K:2606} 5/7/2003
A beautiful photo...I love the grain!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 5/7/2003
simply and beautiful.
Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
{K:18382} 5/7/2003
Gefühlvolles Motiv, Leider fehlt die Schärfe an einem Punkt. Gruß Gerhard
sadaf farahani
{K:1740} 5/7/2003
lovely shot!
James Pratt
{K:1567} 5/7/2003
Wonderful image, but just a touch TOO soft for my taste.
Paolo Dell'Aquila
{K:5046} 5/7/2003
Perfection! Great use of DOF and you obtained a fantastic softness
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 5/7/2003
bellissima e tenera! Complimenti!!
Nicola Vassallo
{K:9801} 5/7/2003
vista 999 vole e votata solo 13?...ASSURDO!! Una foto così bella...
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 5/6/2003
excellent !!!!
GP Merfeld
{K:14396} 4/4/2003
Congratulations on your well deserved recognition, Siddharth... This image is a great example of how the elements of a photo can be distilled down to basic, almost abstract form, while still retaining wonderfully emotive impact... Soft light, soft tones, soft focus, soft grain texture, all cumulating in a clear sense of new life... Outstanding work.
Kathy Bryant
{K:17} 4/4/2003
A beautiful picture.
shawn co
{K:20} 4/4/2003
I really like the mood of the shot. Its just a tad bit soft. The grain is great as is the toneing.
kita mcintosh
{K:18594} 3/5/2003
so sweet-the graininess and lack of dof inhance it further-excellent
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 2/18/2003
Dear Steven..thanks for your comment.
Yes the film was pushed..Kodak Academy is a grainy film anyway, and the push processing has made it grainier.. The black border is from the edge of the negative..meaning while printing, the negative holder is larger than the image size on the negative whereby one can include the clear are outside of the image area..this clear are records as a black border on the print..
stephen chong
{K:519} 2/18/2003
was the film pushed? the fine art border gave it a better feel! was it done in photoshop or did u do it during development? i loved the warm feeling it gave me!
Ray Soemarsono
{K:85} 11/15/2002
Perfect DOF. Very well-done. Hopefully I can do this similar shot before my baby's all grown up.
Manuel João A. Boullosa
{K:6} 9/26/2002
Very good, well done. I have no words. Congratiolations!!
Bobbie C.
{K:1425} 8/5/2002
Love this one!
Siddharth Siva
{K:3327} 6/25/2002
thank you Mr. editor!!
Dawna G.
{K:7709} 4/22/2002
I am new to the site and just saw this one in random. It is beautiful!
Chris Blaszczyk
{K:610} 2/21/2002
Hey! Thanks for the invitation. I must say this is simply awsome! Love it.
Samuel Downs
{K:7290} 2/20/2002
Siddharth, Wow! What a lovely, tender, beautiful, sweet shot. I like everything about it.
David Chang-Sang
{K:680} 2/20/2002
Lovely, simply, lovely. . .
A great shot with extremely minimal DOF and nice grain. Keep it up.
Cheers, Dave
Peter Yeeles
{K:22} 2/20/2002
Very nice. I have seen loads of baby feet pics, and I really like the way this 1 is slightly more individual. Nice soft grain.....
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 2/20/2002
It apears that I will be the first to congatulate you on very beautiful and touching image.
Well Done Siddharth :-)