I wanted to post something colorful for Easter mornig ... this is actually taken just prior to spring here, but has a spring feeling to it... walking the street i look for elements that come to me, and come togethre in my frame of mind and in my camera frame.. , and in using color film i look for some added color elements that will enhance the image in some way... you see these things in a split second and then they are gone or you have walked past them ... it\'s a wonderful feeling as it is happening... happy Easter to those who celebrate it ..
hi John, damn this is good.... so crisp, clear... the colors rock. one thing i love about your photos is your vision. i love the way you crop and arrange things. i want this one on my wall! do you have email or !? (hehe, demanding, aren't i?)
beautiful, for some reason i am loving the dark area on the left makes you want to camp out there for awhile, and really helps to make the rest of the image stand out
Hi John, seems we are all meeting up over here now. I wish I could walk the streets of nyc everyday. As always you capture wonderful selective pieces of the city.