Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/28/2006
I am getting beter thank you Dear Alex.
I will send you (private mail) a poem I wrote in 1996... let's see what you think my friend. I like very much how you think... keep your mind open! :)
Much Love to you amd yours, Aniko :)
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 10/27/2006
Ok, I may be just entering this new world, but I know a few things meself. What do you mean by "I am sure others got the "alien" connection"? I'd like to hear your opinion first. When are you going to get well!?!?!?! Sanatate! (that's romanian for "good health")
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/25/2006
Ah Alex... I am sure others got the "alien" connection, and I know something of druids... secretive as they were/are... lol..
I am old, Alex... I have studied much... not at school... just things that fascinate me. (Boy, that's a lot of study!!! :) )
Every soul is psychic and every mind that wishes to be tune in and learn can do so without the need of a book! Hehehe... I think I still have a fever as I am rambling on.
I am glad you chose the title you did, Alex! It suits the image and its feel very well indeed.
I also hope you enjoy the site.
Warmest Wishes my friend, Aniko :)
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 10/25/2006
Yes, you got it. There is a strong connection here. I must admit that i'm impressed by what you understood from this photo. My ideea was based on the fact that druids were first of all healers. And this druid (the white, golden-aura thingy) is healing the forest. Around him, the forest regenerates (becomes green again), while the zones not yet visited by him remain in suffering (are still withered). Another name i thought for this image was Forest Priest, but I think that the former gives it a mystic meaning as well. I agree that druids were unearthly beings. The image is yet another representation of the battle between good and evil.
Thank you for the site. I shall look into it. Best wishes, Alex
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/24/2006
Hi Alex!!!
Well, I must admit that my first feeling was a strong connection between the ancient druids and "alien beings" ... I can almost hear the low frequency sounds of the druids... perhaps I am just crazy. I certainly have a a fever at the moment (not feeling well for the last couple of days)... but you asked, and I replied. I think the image is JUST FANTASTIC!!! And it gives me a good feeling about the inter-connectedness of our human-nes being from the same source as all other living things... and also of the "other worlde"... make sense? Now I would like to know what you had in mind re this image!!!
By the way: here is a site for "Olde English"... thought you might be interested my friend :)
Warm Wishes!!!
Ciao! Aniko :)
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 10/24/2006
Thank you, Aniko. Before I explain what message I wanted to send through this picture, please tell me what you felt while looking at it.
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 10/24/2006
Yes, Clint, this is trully a fake. Sorry to dissapoint you. THE OBJECTS IN THE PICTURE, HOWEVER, ARE FROM THE ORIGINAL SHOT. All I did was mingle arround with the colours, the lighting, and the aura arund the druid.
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 10/24/2006
Thank you, James. Yes, I did work it in a kind of PS. You mai think I may have used PhotoShop. Actually I used Paint Shop Pro.
Alex Munteanu
{K:1337} 10/24/2006
Pai, poza initiala era numai cu verde. Ideea pe care am vrut s-o transmit este ca acel druid al padurii (care este pe deasupra si magic datorita aurei) are putere tamaduitoare asupra padurii. Pe unde merge el, totul se vindeca (portiunea verde), pe unde nu a ajuns inca, padurea este inca in suferinta (portiunea rosie). Mai trebuia sa lucrez, se pare. Prostia mea majora este ca nu am in minte cand apas declansatorul ceea ce vreau sa obtin. I should do this.
Vandy Neculae
{K:7990} 10/13/2006
Foarte dragutz a iesit, chiar daca se putea mult mai bine! Un crop cred ca se impunea datorita faptului ca zona 'rosie' nu este prea interesanta. In orice caz, ideea si efectul vizual sunt excelente.

James Cook
{K:38068} 10/12/2006
Great lighting and colorations. Did you work this in PS?
Clint Tompkins
{K:1347} 10/12/2006
Alex, this has to be a fake,it'a just to perfect as it is! As they say, "right time right place and many tries is the secert to good exposures!" Painter Clint
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 10/12/2006
Alex! This is wonderful!!!
You are working so well my friend!!!
Warmest Wishes, Aniko :)