neda astani
{K:2824} 11/18/2006
Thanks my dear Alan, for kind words to me, and good comment. Good luck.... Neda
Alan Shaffer
{K:5873} 11/17/2006
Neda, this is such a beautiful portrait. A beautiful child and captured with love!
neda astani
{K:2824} 10/18/2006
Thanks my dear friend Bob,for your best comment to me, ok,that's right. your idea for me are author SATISFACTION, thankful my sweet. Neda...sincerely
Bob Aldridge
{K:14758} 10/17/2006
An exellent portrate of the child,you have just captured the moment at the right time my dear neda,so well taken too. Love the expression on her face well done my dear neda nice one take care......Bob.
neda astani
{K:2824} 10/17/2006
Thanks my dear friend,Baha.. Neda
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 10/17/2006
very cute cousin you've got,Neda...baha
neda astani
{K:2824} 10/17/2006
Thanks my dear friend Hooshang for best comment to me. Neda
Hooshang Nahrvar
{K:1939} 10/17/2006
A good cadree for portrait,bravo....!hooshang