Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 10/12/2008
Congratulations on the award! Thank You for putting me in Your circle of friends and I apologize for returning with my response so late. You have a great collection of photographs they illustrate Your passion for photography. Good luck and many successes.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 7/11/2008
Nice shot, and that macro really clamped down on your depth of field. Congrats on the BiP, my friend.
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 3/17/2008
Very well deserved BIP award. I agree with Andrzej comment. Congrats, Cheers, Stan
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 2/4/2007
I remember given a comment on this one. Congrats for the award. Well earned. Sascha
Larry Fosse
{K:66493} 2/2/2007
Super DOF....color & detail Congrats on a well earned BIP
romek kubiak
{K:611} 1/9/2007
Nie bede oryginalny, ale swietne zdjecie. Fajnie rozmyles tlo zachowujac detale na zblizeniu. Urzekajaca kolorystyka. Dzieki za twoje slowa, teraz tez zaluje ze nie spedzalem z nim wiecej czasu, zbyt malo mamy wspolnych zdjec. W Targanicach mamy domek polozony wysoko, z pieknym widokiem na cala doline. Pozdrawiam cie serdecznie.
Andrzej Pradzynski
{K:22541} 11/2/2006
This is worth a prise Martin The scene is carefully composed and well balanced for the effect. What one would expect from tracks is that those would be shoot with the deep DoF. Why so? - the shallow one gives the same great feel of perspective but impose undefined termination of the frame. Cheers, NJ P.S. I've Almost forgot to BIP loudly with salutation.
{K:61359} 10/20/2006
Very nice play with DOF and the drop on it are well seen. Congrats for the award
J.T. Shaver
{K:207} 10/20/2006
Nice image. I think the DOF and colors make this image very distinct from others with the same subject. Nicely done. :)
Martin Marcinkiewicz
{K:643} 10/20/2006
Thanks for the comment and I can't tell how happy I am with this award!
Phillip Minnis
{K:13131} 10/20/2006
A nice image, Martin! The thumbnail made me look closer! I had to find out what it was that I was looking at! Well done! A good entry into this project!
Congratulations on your BIP award!
Susan Hernandez
{K:6487} 10/19/2006
WOW, awesome shot and I don't see anything wrong with it. The lighting, exposure, DOF, and clarity are excellent, love it!
Emanuele Capelli
{K:6110} 10/19/2006
WOW!!! great shot...fantastic focus and light...well done...
Martin Marcinkiewicz
{K:643} 10/19/2006
Gracias mucho, tus comentarios son mucho appretiated y siempre recepción. ¿Podrías decirme donde puedo encuentro que las “caminos de hierro”, tú tienen mentionded?
sascha jonack
{K:19715} 10/19/2006
Very nice picture. Well done. Greetings Sascha
carlos sanchez
{K:3631} 10/19/2006
buen arranque te sugiero que presentes esta foto al concurso "caminos de hierro"