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Dune perspective
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Image Title:  Dune perspective
Favorites: 0 
 By: Joggie van Staden  
  Copyright ©2006

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Photographer Joggie van Staden  Joggie van Staden {Karma:41700}
Project #51 Silhouettes and Abstracts Camera Model Nikon D70
Categories Abstracts
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Landscapes
From the sky
Lens Nikon  50mm f/1.4D AF Nikkor
Uploaded 11/2/2006 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 637 Shutter 1/250
Favorites Aperture f/1.8
Critiques 15 Rating
/ 5 Ratings
Location City -  Sossusvlei
Country - Namibia   Namibia
About A dune right from above showing the steep slope and the flat desert floor covered with grass after the exeptional rains of 2006. Taken from a gyrocopter. Uncropped image, slight adjustment of brightness, contrast and sharpness in PS.

A Gyrocopter is an open, mini-helicopter, you sit in the backseat (in tandem), the average speed is about 150km/hour and one have to shelter oneselve against the wind by hiding behind the back of the pilot. The wind is so strong that you have to hold onto the camera very well to prevent it from flying through the air (lost a few lensecaps in the process). I used the 50mm Nikkor for max lens opening but opted for ISO 200 on the D70 for best results/lowest noise. The light was very low and deteriorated from 1/1,500sec when we lifted to about 1/100sec when the sun set - all within about 20 minutes. One unforgettable experience.
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There are 15 Comments in 1 Pages
rebecca claassen rebecca claassen   {K:12904} 11/23/2006
Hi Joggie, I just wanted to give you a HUGE thankyou for your suggestion of trying one of my shots in B&W. I did not use the 'brazen' one that you liked, but chose another that I thought would present better. Apparently it did!!! I dedicate the awards to you for your great input and thankyou so much for taking the time to comment and make such usefull suggestions to my work.
You're a star!!!
hugs, Bek


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 11/20/2006
Hi David - this was how it was taken and really works for me (visual memory of the place) but you are welcome to download and rotate to orientate. No rules here - its an abstract!


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 11/20/2006
Hi David - this was how it was taken and really works for me (visual memory of the place) but you are welcome to download and rotate to orientate. No rules here - its an abstract!


David Tasker   {K:4281} 11/20/2006
Joggie - thanks for your comments on my images "Dunes" The perspective of this has me disorientated - Are you sure it's not meant to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise. This is ab excelelnt contrast - hard to imagine how sudden the sand stops until you see it like this. You did well to get a sharp image under those conditions.


Fern    {K:2509} 11/5/2006
certainly do like this, and am envious of getting to view it from above. Funny, I just posted this image which is two feet above ground!
fern benson


mud along rock in riverbed in Utah

Eb Mueller Eb Mueller   {K:24960} 11/3/2006
This one does give a sense of vertigo, Joggie! It is likely due to the loss of horizon. Makes a provocative abstract!


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174163} 11/3/2006
Beautiful abstract composition, dear Joggie!:)


Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 11/3/2006
Exceptional colours and composition, Joggie! It is hard to figure out the scene, but you're explanation helps!


Robert Kocs Robert Kocs   {K:89085} 11/2/2006
Hi Joggie! What a simple but very intersting composition
with lovely details and colour range. Excellent vision and
impression. Wonderfully done! 7+++

Have a nice day my friend,


rebecca claassen rebecca claassen   {K:12904} 11/2/2006
Gee Joggie, this plays with my head!!! Cool huh? I read the comments below but still couldn't figure out how.....anything. I see the sand and the tufts of grass on the sand, but (am slightly stupid!!) what is all the blue and grey? Looks like salt crusts on the ground but even then, I'm still not sure how I come to that...whew!!

Anyway, for a landscape, this makes a great abstract, the colours and texture are fantstic. Good to hear you didn't drop your camera,
cheers, Bek


Violetta  Tarnowska   {K:24497} 11/2/2006
Interesting and well composed photograph, Joggie:)


Joggie van Staden Joggie van Staden   {K:41700} 11/2/2006
Thanks Aj - About the perspective: the dark band separating the dune and the grassy flat is right beneath the gyrocopter. The dune comes up almost paralel to the line of sight twards the camera while the grassy flat area extends to to the left and the lower part of the photo at a 90 degree angle from the camera axis. Hope it helps!


Rashed Abdulla Rashed Abdulla   {K:163889} 11/2/2006
Wonderful image and so creative composition, thanks a so much for the about and for sharing it this lovely work with us

All of the best my friend


AJ Miller AJ Miller   {K:49168} 11/2/2006
Fascinating shot! Hard to get my head round the perspective, but that just keeps me looking.



hdw Photography hdw Photography   {K:6630} 11/2/2006
Great shot Joggie and stunning colours....well done.




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