Christian Lehner
{K:1247} 11/23/2006
definitely too skinny - also for an fashion model! I'm with Rob and Jan - the agency of the model should be keeped informed about her constitution.
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 11/17/2006
Sorry Roger- but I must disagree. If we are commenting honestly and openly then we have the right to discuss the subject matter as well as the execution of a photo. That is what an open forum is about-- as long as we stay within the bounds of civility. My comment is to the appearance of the photo and the impact of viewing the material. --Best to you, jan
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 11/17/2006
Yeah I am with Leo and while I understand an appreciate the contributions by the other two..its really not the point of the photo is it?
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 11/16/2006
Karl-- I know fashion models are thin but this photo disturbs me. She looks unhealthy and in need of help. --Best to you, Jan
Rob Roy
{K:1432} 11/16/2006
I am worried about your model.
Leo Régnier Я£
{K:67696} 11/16/2006
Very nice fashion picture!! Leo