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 By: zosia zija  
  Copyright ©2003

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Photographer zosia zija  zosia zija {Karma:11106}
Project N/A Camera Model hasselblad fcw
Categories Landscape
Film Format
Portfolio Lens 80 mm 2.8
Uploaded 4/24/2003 Film / Memory Type  
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 4935 Shutter
Favorites 64  Aperture f/0
Critiques 127 Rating
/ 84 Ratings
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dream time




sjesta kotika




There are 127 Comments in 1 Pages
david george   {K:481} 12/4/2005
i've not seen your sight have some of the stronest portraits i've seen in a long time.regards david


Gökhan KARAMAN Gökhan KARAMAN   {K:8878} 10/26/2005
wonderfull composition and beautifull portreit...


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 3/11/2005
It invokes more feelings than any other picture i've seen from u.

This one makes it 63 favorites...


Fabrizio N.   {K:52} 1/17/2005
Very nice shot! I like so much the landscape behind the child!


Gaja Snover   {K:4462} 12/13/2004
I love it too! The lighting is so dramatic, and the girl up close with her confused expression just makes it so mysterious and wonderful. (another favorite!)


Helena Gustafsson   {K:417} 11/27/2004
A wonderful portrait with lovely tones and light. Love the expression of her face. An excellent composition.


Jose Sanchez   {K:424} 9/11/2004
I love it too :)


James Lee James Lee   {K:4790} 6/10/2004
Fantastic composition. Love the DOF. Reminds me of growing up in rural New Zealand.


Ann Texter   {K:10064} 5/14/2004
Beautiful photo! A good friend of mine had sent me your website also, absolutely stunning and inspriring, love your work!


Murat Harmanlikli Murat Harmanlikli   {K:7846} 4/24/2004
hi Zosia,
You have an incredible portfolio. I like it very much, and you are my new friend..


david cunningham david cunningham   {K:8255} 4/21/2004
I love this photo too. Quite stunning.


kita mcintosh   {K:18594} 4/16/2004
absolutely amazing-i am speechless


Leandro Karunungan   {K:210} 4/15/2004
i love this photo too


Moises Levy   {K:782} 4/7/2004


Mary Vareli Mary Vareli   {K:15826} 4/7/2004
I loved it too
it is a masterpiece....


Kessia & Morgan UVA   {K:7265} 3/31/2004
ahhh...speechless! too much natural beauty!



Helmut Schadt Helmut Schadt   {K:780} 3/13/2004
one of my favourites of your excellent work! Especially I like those strong tones in it.It reminds me of charcoal painting.
kind regards, helmut


Jeanette Hägglund Jeanette Hägglund   {K:59855} 3/4/2004
Delightful, excellent portrait of a child.


Adam Mamok   {K:146} 3/1/2004
w twoich fotografiach tetni glebia urzeka mnie klimat cz-b - odzywiaja sie wspomnienia z dziecinstwa, to fantastyczne to robisz z fotografia, szczerze mowiac chcialbym posiasc takie spojrzenie na swiat i chcialbym byc uczniem twoim by bardziej subtelnie oceniac rzeczywistosc mnie otaczajaca. Jestem pod wrazeniem ! pozdrawiam.


nelson d'aires   {K:155} 2/16/2004
when i saw fisrt time this photo i have remember the sally mann work :) both women


Dina Marie Dina Marie   {K:-1410} 2/14/2004
This is an award winner Zosia...


Evina Schmidova Evina Schmidova   {K:2034} 2/13/2004
Beutiful ,-))


Bill Gibson   {K:2701} 1/30/2004
beautiful, perfect composition


benjamin mati   {K:598} 1/3/2004
what a nice shot! the lighting really makes the scene, which is wonderful, really beautiful.


Viktor Pravdica   {K:4907} 12/29/2003
Wau!! Splendid work!


B:)liana    {K:30945} 12/25/2003


Uwe Noelke   {K:277} 11/15/2003
nice composition. perfect moment.


Kara Yerex   {K:66} 10/14/2003
Zosia, you have such an amazing eye, i love your portraits and what you do with the sky.... this photo is one of my favorites (one of many, i love them all, really!) They inspire me to do more portraits.
-- Kara


Serguei Dmitrov   {K:157} 10/11/2003
nothing to comment. everything to take it to favourites.


Nicole Marcisz Nicole Marcisz   {K:10268} 10/5/2003
It IS amazing! wonderful composition!


donato r. donato r.   {K:16361} 9/16/2003
Un capolavoro!!!


Dan H   {K:769} 9/14/2003
What a photograph! The composition, lighting, background... perfect. There's something wild about her hair, and natural, the way it blends in with the landscape, as if she is not separate but an integral part of the natural beauty around her (and she is!). I feel I am there witnessing the story of this moment.

Wish I knew how you manage to capture that something extra that gives such depth to your work; it's as if the images have a fourth dimension. Stunning, and inspirational.



Blazej Lindner   {K:3221} 9/12/2003


Shiv Kumar Surya Shiv Kumar Surya   {K:17362} 8/29/2003


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 8/13/2003
Awesome portrait that tells a story. Love the addition of the dog in th background. As lighting goes, it seems a bit harsh, but it works well here. Her stark life. Great contrast and tones!


Egidija Smilingiene Egidija Smilingiene   {K:3227} 8/4/2003
perfect picture. i love the tree , clouds, dog, that little girl nad light on her face, that road.... reminds me my childhood in village....

i envy for you your talent :) thank you.




Deleted User   {K:4318} 7/26/2003
in my fav....i really love it


Karen Siebert   {K:12076} 7/18/2003
Fantastic portrait. Composition is superb. Just wonderful.


Ulf Fågelhammar   {K:10975} 7/10/2003
Well, what can I say about this Zosia? Perhaps it is enough if I say "I love this photo"
Top quality and it has a strong emotional appeal.
You have a great portofolio. I like the way you interpretate your motifs. Very skilful work.


Deleted User   {K:4318} 7/5/2003
This is great art


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 7/3/2003
thanks to all!


Leyla Gamze Ozdemir   {K:2424} 6/23/2003
Stunning pictures you create..


Rafal K. Komierowski   {K:6441} 6/22/2003
Impressive image. Your work with wide angle lense is just ...PERFECT!


Gregory Fiedler   {K:15439} 6/18/2003
Your whole portfolio is wonderful, this also has that look, it is fantastic. The dog is a plus!


Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 6/16/2003
You're not the only one, I like this one a lot too, Zosia. The 'in-your-face portrait', with the impression of a wider angle, interesting background is really appealing. Who says you have to use a long lens for excellent portraits. Even the dog cooperated. The distant horizon is slightly tipped, but that adds an unusual perspective as well. I don't quite understand what that is in the near lower (camera) right corner, is she leaning forward onto a fence post? The path trailing off into the distance leads the eye back to a unique setting, then home to her face. Exquisite sharpness of the subject, with just the right background blur.


Kim kyungsang   {K:14135} 6/16/2003
Portrait !!!


Michele Galante   {K:1047} 6/14/2003
Great work !!


Harlan Heald Harlan Heald   {K:15732} 6/8/2003
Great portrait! Wonderful composition.


Benedetto Riba Benedetto Riba   {K:15792} 6/6/2003
Excellent composition, Very good work!


Maria Raacke   {K:550} 6/6/2003
Incredible work,expression,tones,everything...


Eliverto Scherer   {K:-83} 6/4/2003
An excellent portfolio, aesthetics & technically speaking... GREAT work!


Elin M   {K:842} 6/4/2003
This so dramatic, yet non dramatic! Excellent capture!


Daniel Knutsen   {K:3871} 6/4/2003
Lovely!!! I'm speach less!!!


Ali Jabbar   {K:519} 5/27/2003
it is in favorites ..


Dez Karpati Dez Karpati   {K:2237} 5/22/2003
Excellent b&w composition, great image


Burak A   {K:2022} 5/19/2003
excellent photo,saturation is great.. congrats zosia! Ý'm waiting,you should upload ''old man'' old man and this photo are my favourites .


Boris Ravich   {K:114} 5/15/2003
Nice photo !


Mehdi Shahdad Mehdi Shahdad   {K:84} 5/15/2003


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 5/15/2003
... i remember ;)


Look @   {K:2127} 5/15/2003
you made a promise.... ****


B. Photo B. Photo   {K:317} 5/11/2003
great contrast


thomas    {K:717} 5/10/2003

-thomas b-


Felipe Rodríguez   {K:9200} 5/8/2003
Another impressive picture from you!


Surajit Mukerji   {K:3889} 5/8/2003
Very nice compositipn


GP Merfeld   {K:14396} 5/7/2003
So much well-deserved praise for you and this image, Zosia... I will only add that I believe it is absolutely perfect and beautiful, and I love it! You are truly an inspiration to me...


Peter Burda Peter Burda   {K:4807} 5/7/2003
this is very inspirative shot for me, to know, how great picture can be done with full sunlight conditions . Blad is blad ..... but eyes are eyes ....


anna wolf   {K:2366} 5/4/2003
fantastic work !!! love it


Mário Sousa   {K:16985} 5/3/2003
beautiful work


Hakan Aker   {K:14146} 5/3/2003
Excellent photo ZZ, She has a lovely expression


MaryBell    {K:32791} 5/2/2003
The dog is essential

absolutely essential

what is there is always essential
to the photographer
is it essential to me


marco biancardi   {K:10582} 5/2/2003
I like very much your personal style, your portraits with environement, congrats, marco.


Paolo Cardone Paolo Cardone   {K:1161} 5/1/2003
Molto bella, ottima la stampa!


Andrew Polushkin   {K:311} 5/1/2003


Berenice Kauffmann Abud (AFIAP/2004)   {K:3147} 4/30/2003
Very beautiful composition and tones!
Lovely work!


bj burrows   {K:334} 4/30/2003
excellent, of course... hasselblad doesnt hurt to have ;) hehe


pepita blu   {K:5935} 4/29/2003
art! pure art!


^j^ .   {K:8554} 4/29/2003
Wow... And beside the many reasons I could find to say I love it too... What a depth for a start... Let me dive in !!!


António Vieira   {K:122} 4/29/2003


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 4/29/2003
... and? ;)


Val .   {K:4973} 4/29/2003
hasselblad fcw !!!


Val .   {K:4973} 4/29/2003
ach so ... yet i know that you make photo ... ;-)


Christian Payne   {K:1398} 4/27/2003
It is very rare that i should say this but this reminds me of my favorite photographer of all time... Salgado. This is a great image.


see ya!!   {K:703} 4/26/2003
a perfect photo!!!


raquel moura   {K:463} 4/26/2003
me too .... :)


Marianne Archer Marianne Archer   {K:926} 4/26/2003
I love this photo too


vicky ego   {K:1423} 4/26/2003
No comments needed... fantastic


Lisa Paully   {K:1735} 4/26/2003
excellent...i love the dog in it, it gives it more of a feel like the girl just walked the path and the dog was following, very beautiful


Michal Wojciechowski   {K:1279} 4/26/2003
that's the photo! Zosia, right..., the dog makes the another point of attention, that's why the composition is balanced, imo.


zosia zija zosia zija   {K:11106} 4/25/2003
Holly, thanks, but i think that the dog is very good addition for this composition ;)


Holly Kline   {K:45} 4/25/2003
Very nice work here! THe only element that doesn't work for me is the dog. I love the edginess of the shot.


ana ribeiro   {K:21290} 4/25/2003
one of your best !!!!!


deniz kaan copur   {K:12726} 4/25/2003


m.c. lopez   {K:14766} 4/25/2003
a perfection !


Shannon Richardson   {K:1004} 4/25/2003
Yes one of your best.


Lila C   {K:436} 4/25/2003
nothing much to add..i LOVE it as everyone here:)


Franck Dormoy   {K:997} 4/25/2003
what a wonderful image, out of time, much mood.


Samuel Downs   {K:7290} 4/24/2003
Wonderful shot. Reminiscent of the dust bowl photos of the 1930's. Nicely done. Sam


j w   {K:12641} 4/24/2003
Oh this is just fabulous and perfect, Zosia. I am happy you are here, too, since I just love your work. I think two things work together here to make this photograph beautiful. One is the extreme closeness of the girl, the other is the fabulous lighting on her face. And then there is everything else, which is so perfectly placed and beautiful. Very very nicely done!


shelby koning   {K:5450} 4/24/2003
such mood, such emotion, simply stunning portrait of childhood, in all it's beauty, with a bit of darkness... this couldn't be more perfect.


Syrie Kovitz Syrie Kovitz   {K:1349} 4/24/2003
I agree with practically everyone else...Its impossible to comment on something like this...


Cristiano Corte   {K:10836} 4/24/2003
Great very original work !


Jay Gumm   {K:3084} 4/24/2003
Great ones in the grays - awesome composition.


Wojciech Jastrzebski   {K:455} 4/24/2003
I love it too...


sept sea   {K:2569} 4/24/2003
i love it.....


michelle k.   {K:16270} 4/24/2003
beautiful work....


Chris M.   {K:2073} 4/24/2003
Hi Zosia,

no wonder that you love it ... you can be proud of it.

Greetings from Germany


Pierre Malo   {K:172} 4/24/2003
Slendide shot, nice composition and tones. The little girl at the right inside corner is perfectly place, again very good composition.


Andreas Wolkerstorfer   {K:5090} 4/24/2003
good to see your best here


Jonathan Kane   {K:10641} 4/24/2003
I love this photo, too. Unbelievably great!!


Anders Jørgensen   {K:936} 4/24/2003
just exeleent


Alberto Agnoletti   {K:12811} 4/24/2003
Excellent shot!!! Congrats


João Figueiredo   {K:7674} 4/24/2003
Wonderful image, nice to see her again...


Hayri CALISKAN   {K:16195} 4/24/2003
Excellent b&w composition.


Rui Palha Rui Palha   {K:13624} 4/24/2003


Luis Costa - Lucaz   {K:9205} 4/24/2003
Very nice work, regards!


Pascal Renoux   {K:4077} 4/24/2003
merci Zosia!!


Ronny Van Eeckhoutte   {K:12734} 4/24/2003
Perfect work.


Erkan Gokce   {K:1414} 4/24/2003
very very good...


Marcin Gorski   {K:12388} 4/24/2003


lowell whipple girbes   {K:13151} 4/24/2003
love the light, the expresion, a favorite


sibheen s. apel   {K:401} 4/24/2003
Zosia:) I can imagine why you love it - it brings back childhood memeries to me. Great use of MF - I'm just again back into that myself. And you made the best of the tonal possibilites of the Delta 400 as I see;)


Reynaldo Guimaraes   {K:2422} 4/24/2003
I think I love it too. Very beautiful.
Great, Zosia.


Nando Mondino   {K:14261} 4/24/2003
Wonderful portrait!


Alex Avilov   {K:634} 4/24/2003
I don't know. the title suggest that picture suppose to be nice and pleasant but it has some uneasiness, I guess the contrast and girls expression creates that impression.


Onur Aydin   {K:9815} 4/24/2003
Fantastic !


Jacek M. Jacek M.   {K:2999} 4/24/2003
Fantastic shot..excellent capture,tone,light..Very good work!


Arthur Yeo   {K:890} 4/24/2003
Lovely tones.




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