Very impressive for focus, angle and depth. It jumps away from the frame. At the end of my visit to your new house I wish to compliment you for the excellent photos seen specially of flowers, my passion.
I am using sRGB III. It is the compression engined. I tested less rigorous compression, and the banding is gone, and images are about 390k now. I will that to see what happens when I upload new pics. As Always, I appreciate your advice,
They are highy compressed. I use the highest compression ratio, reducing the picture from 6 MB to 51K, without cropping it. I will try a different compression value.
Somehow you are getting dramatic color banding in your backgrounds, seen in most of your other posts as well. To tell you the truth I'm not sure what is wrong. What color working space are you using? If you can change it, maybe try using Adobe RGB 1998. I wonder if it could be your color gamut is too small, so that the gradual transition of color in the out-of-focus background creates 'steps' of color transition. Maybe it is something simple like too small a file size, too much compression. This file is only 52 kb, a lot more compressed than you need to be. I used to see this in my posts, but they disappeared a few years ago. Not sure why.