Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 2/6/2007
That's so beautiful, Ina! I've got tears in my eyes after reading your comment... really!
Ina Nicolae
{K:44481} 2/6/2007
The silver grating has the visual appeal of an ancient treasure being unearthed, very beautiful :)
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 2/4/2007
Sniffff!!! SNIFFF!!! Who's cooking???... What!!! Nothing left... OK... Looks like I'll have to leave a comment then... Not good at critiques, all that techy stuff scrambles my brain... Comment will have to do...:)
Good visual abstract... Plenty of texture and interest for the eye to wander over... Lines and shadows created by the paving structure... Tones are dull and muddy (on my screen at least), but bounce due to the light reflected from the service cover and, assuming here, blue metal...
The thing that grabs my eye the most is the tyre track... said tyre has picked up the road surface, leaving a clean band, only to dump it into the cover...
All I know is, to me it is visually appealing and tickles my senses... :)
Isn't there at least one snag or poodle left???...
That's it... ;)
Paolo Corradini
{K:59552} 2/4/2007
like an abstract compostion from the street i love it this great BW
Sandra Anderson
{K:5837} 2/4/2007
Came here to write a comment on this image and see Mark's comment - how funny yet how sad...he doesn't know how to spell Balloon...just joking...I like this image again for the same reason I commented on another....just the ability to take something ordinary and turning it into something artistic and interesting...and it works quite well in terms of the balance in the image....nice and shiny on the right and still something for the eye to study on the left. Me likes it! S
Patrick Crowther
{K:13393} 2/3/2007
Mark, your comments make more sense to me than I can possibly tell you! I put up a photo of a cute dog for a while and called it 'Cute Dog Test' to see if I'd get loads of comments, but I didn't get any at all! So now I put photos up and I'm grateful for people like yourself who understand where I'm coming from.... thanks. You are a man of taste (don't know about wealth)... Stones, Dylan, Irving Penn... yes, yes, yes.
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 2/3/2007
Balloon - won't be the last time I misspell something (they need a "correct your comment" feature around here) hmm, I do believe I'm asking for too much, nevermind....
Mark Julian
{K:36866} 2/3/2007
Dear Patrick, well I see that critique's corner works as well for you as it does for me - really brings out the masses - ha (maybe we need to set up a little tent with BBQ cheeseburgers and all-you-can-drink soda pop for all comment writers - even hire an insanely happy - aren't they all? - clown that makes ballon animals). A shame cause this is a GREAT image but the bird/babies/puppies/kitties kids ain't gonna pick up on that these days. I love this type of "organic" abstract work of normal, everyday things captured in a way others don't see them. WONDERFUL WORK !! - wouldn't change a thing.... (ummm, BTW..... are there any cheeseburgers left? -lol) MARK