Marcia Bley
{K:827} 2/15/2007
Nossa, o perfeito cartão postal! Lindíssima, um por de sol fantástico! Parabéns!
Gary Dyck
{K:12834} 2/7/2007
Hi Jefferson... great shot here. I do like the "soft" effect on the palm branches caused by the long shutter. I find that the small tables on the lower left are a bit of a distraction though, probably because they are reflecting more light than the other objects, and there is just a bit of a tilt in the horizon to the right, though with the slight curve, it's not such a big deal. Cheers, Gary
Deepa Balkundi
{K:179} 2/7/2007
lovely colors & nice silhouette
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 2/7/2007
Beautiful colors and lighting. very well done, best regards. Gennaro
Jefferson Oliveira
{K:358} 2/7/2007
Thanks Mike. You're right, the effects on the plam tress was the breezy.
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 2/7/2007
Very nice. I like the colors and the contrast. The long shutter speed had some side effects on the palm tress, must have been breezy? Other than that this is an excellent image!