Robin W
{K:16308} 3/17/2007
Awwww, thank you Onie...you are so sweet!
Warm hugs to you and Grumpy...Robin
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 3/16/2007
Just for you on your very Special Day Robin... :)))
A freshly picked rose because I certainly can't sing... LOL...
Huge HUGS everday...
Love Onie and Grumpy.. XOXO...

Robin W
{K:16308} 3/9/2007
Thanks Nacho, appreciate the kind words!
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 3/9/2007
original and unique.very cool. fantastic. 7+++++++++
Robin W
{K:16308} 3/3/2007
:) Thanks Mel...another (short-lived) opportunity to disguise that well known face!
Robin W
{K:16308} 3/3/2007
LOL...it happens Onie, stolen comments...or is it stolen memory? I'll stick with Mel's explanation and blame it on the comment pixies!
Thank you for the kind words and the suggestion (yes, it all makes sense), unfortunately Collin "allowed" me two shots...there goes the tryptych. :( I do have another I may be able to work with...we'll see!
Warm hugs...Robin
Ms. Mel Brackstone
{K:5285} 3/3/2007
I could have sworn I'd commented too. I think the comment pixie must have been visiting Aus recently. Robin I love this shot, the sharpness and clarity of Collin's eye is what makes it for me too. Your conversion is wonderful too, well done!!!
Hugs Mel
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 3/3/2007
Back... :) I remembered reading about Collin's knee and thought yes, I've commented... DUHHH!!!...
I love the tones Robin... a beautiful, clean softness, if that makes sense...:) That *sparkle* in his eye as he peers through the cut-out... Just enough of that sweet face... His knee is, but then isn't an issue when you read the about...:) Not being s*xist, but maybe it's a female thing... That we visualise the whole... Think I read something somewhere about this... No matter...:)))
It is a lovely photo Robin... Cropped, looks a little chunky to me... Sorry Doyle... just my humble op... :)
Just a thought Robin... Have you more shots of Collin around this theme?, say, enough to make a tryptych... It may be that this is image is part of a *whole*, again hope that makes sense...:)
Leonie Fitzpatrick
{K:40551} 3/1/2007
I'll be back...LOL... ( my best Arnie impersonation) ~~GRIN~~... Thought I'd commented unless I sent to cyber heaven...:)
Robin W
{K:16308} 3/1/2007
Thank you Mary, greatly appreciated!
Take care...Robin
Mary Slade
{K:40338} 2/26/2007
Great the way the shapes highlight those beautiful features. And really like the natural frame of his arm. That really is a wonderful eye looking at you Robin!
Riny Koopman
{K:102911} 2/26/2007
Goeden morgen Robin,Ik vind de belichting goed gelukt (Ik heb daar geen verstand van, maar zo zie ik de foto) Allen vind ik het geheel wat aan de drukke kant Ik zou niet weten wat er "te veel" is maar het oogt wat druk. Verder een hele mooie plaat, die ik je zeker niet na doe!! (maar wel eens uit zou willen proberen). Groetjes,riny
1301307 60
{K:44058} 2/26/2007
first thing I notice was the work you did on the tones and the clarity, the eye was done exceptionally well. was suprise, its not what it seems in the thumbnail.. yup, I agree to doyle about that black thing infront, had it had a little detail, maybe it would be more understood what it is. nevermind, I still like the post processing you've done. regards gramma
Robin W
{K:16308} 2/26/2007
OK Doyle, you and Jan are right, the knee blob is TOO much...apparently my description did not help lessen the distraction...damn! You know how you see an opportunity and it sometimes does not translate the same in the end...I think that's what happened here. In my mind, I still see him sitting in that chair and the knee is not a distraction but a part of the whole. Just did not come through as well as I had hoped...even with the explanation. Does that make any sense??? Tried your crop and few others...that vision (of the moment) forced me to reject everything.
On a good note, thanks for the high five on focal clarity, tonal range, and conversion...glad there are some redeeming qualities here!
Take care my friend...Robin
ps...must be a shoe theme tonight (and thanks for noticing)...you were waiting for the other shoe to drop just before you dropped a pair of size 12 steel-toed work boots in my lap! ;)
Doyle D. Chastain
{K:101119} 2/25/2007
Ok . . . the knee was what I thought initially to be the back of the chair. It's a great knee . . . as knees go . . . but a huge . . . COLLOSAL . . . uhhhh . . . I mean a TAD distracting. LoL! IMGO (In my Genius Opinion - Please add that to the list) . . . it has to go.
I Love the soft glow though normally I don't care for the feel of overexposure it gives . . . but that doesn't seem to be the case here. The STUNNING focal clarity in the eye really nails this shot down into something more too! It gives an anchor to the composition.
On a personal opinion not so much related to the image . . . I would forget the heavy black outside frame in favor of a thin 1 or 2mm black frame inside the drop shadow.
My advice would be to raise the lower crop . . .Oh, I know you want the hand connected to the kid . . . but it's still obvious who's hand it is and it's less distracting to see the disconnect than to see the knee which (even with your explanation) seems confusing.
Your tonal range and conversion are Spot-on! Oh . . . and I LOVE those shoes!
By the way . . . I've added an example for your consideration too!! :)
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
 For Your Consideration :) |
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 2/25/2007
Thanks, Robin. I read the "scrunched" comment and it did not sink in to this old brain. :) --Jan PS: Still an excellent picture; please forgive the nitpicking.
Robin W
{K:16308} 2/25/2007
Thanks Jan! The dark shape is his knee...thought it might be an issue, kind of why I included an explanation of how he was sitting...guess my description didn't help much! Cropped six ways to Sunday, but none worked for me...:(
Take care...Robin
Jan Hoffman
{K:39467} 2/25/2007
Robin - This is fresh and unique, an excellent way to do a child's portrait. The tonal quality and depth is perfect and the soft glow is just the right amount. I am not sure about the dark foreground shape -- that is a bit distracting to me. However, a tighter crop may not work. --Best to you, Jan