Lucas L
{K:12145} 4/2/2007
Dennis Komis
{K:3160} 4/2/2007
does your sister (with the ample bosom) always read in the bathtub? - jes kiddin'- cool picture monica.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 3/26/2007
Oooh. Very nice.
Monica Renaud
{K:719} 3/20/2007
Thankyou Aniko, finally a womans response to the legs! This woman, my sister, is usually loud & partying, but by day, shy & reserved, a hard working mum, like alot of us out there, she was a performer too, so I was trying to catch her 'off' moment, unposed, really her, beautiful, shy, sexy, and this was a bit of fun in the bath tub, a mothers hidaway, even without the water, maybe a more glam place to hide out rather than the loo, take care & thanks again, Mon:)
Aniko Heart
{K:26503} 3/19/2007
Yeah... I really like this Monica! B&W always grabs me and this is unusual. Makes me think... Every component is kind of "odd" and yet fits together well to create a story that is difficult to read. Especially as the lady (sister) is looking out of frame with an expression on her face that could mean just about anything. (By the way, I am a woman, and the thumbnail caught my eye not for the legs, but because the composition intrigued me...) :) Great work.
Warmest Wishes, Aniko :)
Name Surname
{K:3712} 2/28/2007
well a good b&w pic indeed, but honestly speaking I think it's more eye attractive for men than for photographers for the reasons you said...:-) (well, it's just my opinionand not a critiscism to the pic or to other comments of course..) Davide.
{K:61359} 2/28/2007
I like this capture not because of the leg but for the whole composition: the angle choosen, the pose of the woman which is well seen, and the frame you choose which is perfect Monica. Concerning the choice of B&W tones : perfect too. Just one thing, I'm asking me why you asked her to turn her head on the right. Have a nice day Monica
Monica Renaud
{K:719} 2/28/2007
Thankyou Siamak, what do you like best? Monica
Monica Renaud
{K:719} 2/28/2007
Thanks Doyle, although I am a little amazed at the views on this one...Mon x
Monica Renaud
{K:719} 2/28/2007
THANKS FABRICE, YET I AM A LITTLE SCEPTICAL. THIS IMAGE HAS ONLY BEEN UP OVERNIGHT AND ALREADY MANY VIEWS....I think my audience loves legs & boobs, are you all big happy perverts out there or what? I am excitied that you all like this image, but I feel it is more for the legs rather than the artistic content. Plus, I copied this idea from favourite photographer named Sante D'orazio. He shot Kate Moss in a bath just like this. Take care, Monx
{K:61359} 2/27/2007
Great angle Monica!! And very nice result. This is a beautiful portrait and that suits well for the project. Congrats
siamak jafari
{K:20075} 2/27/2007
very nice shot,regads
Doyle Caviness
{K:290} 2/27/2007
Looks like they grow them good in Australia! Nice Black and White. Congrats on a fine photo.