Yamil Saenz
{K:12434} 3/7/2007
Hi Sandy, Thank you very much for your message. I was on the shore of this "little lake" called Shoreline Lake in Mountain View, CA. I have been observing the behavior of these guys and I noticed that they have a very small territory that they patrol aggressively. Then I just waited for over one hour until they got used to my presence. This male was only aprox 25 feet from me. To take this shot I used the 400 mm F/4 plus the 1.4 extender for a focal length of 896 mm on a tripod. Lens aperture F/10 Exposure time 1/800sec ISO speed: 200 Metering Mode: Pattern Exposure Program: Aperture Priority and Exposure Compensation: -0.3 step I hope this info will be helpful to you. Regards. Yamil
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 3/6/2007
Precioso pato. y como siempre excelente captura! Felicitaciones!
Sandy Sanders
{K:71} 3/5/2007
Beautiful pic, looks like the cover of a magazine or book. How were you setup for such a shot? On land, in a boat, or how far away from the subject?
Jeff Tanner
{K:140} 3/5/2007
Great head position. Perfect with the low angle!
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 3/5/2007
Beautiful colours on this guy, Yamil! Well done! Dave.