Luther Chong
{K:3585} 8/10/2004
Good photo...composition, framing, focus and DOF. A bit overexposed. Some post processing corrrection can enhance/correct some of the overexposure..
Richard Blount
{K:8015} 7/10/2003
Wow! A very nice image, the composition is very good, well done - Richard.
donato r.
{K:16361} 5/16/2003
Ottima ripresa! magnifici dettagli e colori!
Sandor Szollos
{K:7681} 5/5/2003
Very good shot,great composition!
{K:16195} 5/5/2003
Great capture Lim.
T Glow
{K:14955} 5/4/2003
excellent capture.... nice model! :)) regards,T.
Edeltraud Vinckx
{K:5559} 5/4/2003
excellent shot
Leslie Cohelan
{K:20807} 5/4/2003
good exposure and details...might suggest cropping the left a bit more so the angle of the tree(?) is not so distracting to the overall image...will bring you closer to the back leg but IMO will improve the composition
- simos -
{K:9354} 5/4/2003
Great shot!! regards, simo
Estevao Jose
{K:6115} 5/4/2003
This is Fantastic!!! A BIG 10!!!
Jim F
{K:8859} 5/4/2003
Fantastic nature photo, great focus and DOF control!
Hassan Nemer
{K:1737} 5/4/2003
Beautiful composition .
Stephen Hoon
{K:138} 5/4/2003
Good shot with all the trees and branches and other greens around. Not an easy one, been there and missed a few shots of it. keep shooting -sh
r r
{K:1875} 5/4/2003
Nice work Lim! Regards, P.Bly.
edmond lisy
{K:10311} 5/4/2003
Great capture, also good pose of the model......
Erkan Gokce
{K:1414} 5/4/2003
excellent capture!
Ken McDonald
{K:4343} 5/4/2003
Beautiful composition with lovely textured skin tones...