City - Melbourne State - VICTORIA Country - Australia
It has never been sweet and enjoyable to be suspended in life... Although our great spirits had been suspended a lot once they were alive and they were learning a lot out of those moments...they had to suffer...they had to cry and yell out...they had to hurt and they had to resist... Their lives outlook is a great proof and evidence for why they achieved...and how... Although i am far off the main road of a real life and how things are happening,but i do have a great desire to be closer to that fact that suspension is a need for all of us...a need that if we be aware of that can evolve and invert our life to a higher level...and if we never get that fact,we will be ruined and abandoned gradually in silence... Dont be upset or depressed if your life is suspended...Just be concsious about how to see possibilities as well as imposibilities... realities VS unrealities and neagitives VS possitives..
all the bests for all my UF friends...
Dont think of suspension as a WORSE ...WHATSOEVER!
Ardalan, this creation of yours is soooo very strong and has a deep menaing behind !!! Excellent choise cause it goes with your about. So very effective indeed !!! It hurts only looking your creation !!!! Excellent done !!! And make me feel to think about it and to feel it ... All moments of your life are yours and they are fabulous and precious, have them all in your heart, take care of them. Accept them, be aware of them, lough and be optimistic !!! Hug them, do not push them away. Do not be upset or depressed if your life is suspended. It is the part of your life !!! Losing hope or passion could be the end of your life story, so wake up, open your eyes, have a look around, have a deep look at your existence !!! And always be proud of yourself because you are unique. Yes, you are. I am too, everyone of us are unique !!! We all have talents and joys inside of us to think about them and to realise them and to be happy with them. If your life is in this moment suspended accept that at first as I have mentioned, than stand up, wash your face , think about things you love to do, and never say no I can not !!! Look at the Nature, look around you, nothing is perfect, none of us is perfect. We all have bad moments, troubles, and at the same time happy moments. But many of us close our eyes when are suspended to good things because badness is easier to thing about than goodness. So, all moments of your life are precious, accept them, be aware of them, lough and be optimistic !!! Do not think about suspension as a WORSE :) !!! And keep on going !!! Keep on listening what your heart is whispering to you very carefully !!! Hugs Srna