Anton Ndreca
{K:305} 6/7/2005
nice work
Satori 77
{K:713} 11/2/2004
Luke Luther
{K:14693} 11/12/2003
i stumbled upon your portfolio. this is an excellent portrait. the lighting; slightly soft focus; the DOF for this image are wonderful. i will be looking at more of your images as well.
rory rory
{K:1840} 7/2/2003
Eccellente lavoro Karen.. bello il tono b&w.. ciao rory
Bill Ciavarra
{K:10216} 6/14/2003
Very beautiful, the model looks very relaxed..Wonderful natural lighting..Great job!
Steven Pumford
{K:121} 5/24/2003
I would be interested to see alot more from this shoot!
Andy Eulass
{K:13435} 5/8/2003
Is this a new session with Diane or still the same one as the earlier photos? Regardless, these shots are just brilliant! This one is so nice with the lighting and that wonderfully alluring pose. The Sphinx never looked so appealling. :)
Ari A. Alves (alvesari)
{K:7733} 5/7/2003
Beauty model and composition. A nice portrait.
Jeannette Palsa
{K:128} 5/7/2003
Beautiful rendering of tones
Paulo Granadas
{K:1711} 5/7/2003
Simply beatifull.
{K:16195} 5/7/2003
Maarten Geers
{K:1070} 5/6/2003
Nice relaxed pose. Good use of the available light.
John Strazza
{K:11535} 5/6/2003
this one sings ... wow! everything so good Karen ...
Kyle Cottman
{K:112} 5/6/2003
Rick Ferreira
{K:1453} 5/6/2003
Nice and elegant composition! Nice work.
Marcelo Magalhães Rufino
{K:36} 5/6/2003
Bela foto. Para mim a beleza da modelo e seu olhar são hipinotizadores. Gostei também da composição e, principalmente, da iluminação suave. Parabéns.
Deleted User
{K:881} 5/6/2003
Hi Karen, I remember your work from PSig. I always liked your portraits, so natural and clean. This could have devolved into cheesy but didn't- well done.
David Harvey
{K:284} 5/6/2003
Don Loseke
{K:32503} 5/6/2003
Excellent portrait.
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 5/6/2003
Very nice shot Karen
Eric Richard
{K:2987} 5/6/2003
nice shot!