matthew kinslow
{K:2525} 6/20/2003
this is truly magnificant... great work!!
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 5/25/2003
great, nice memories from my darkroom
m.c. lopez
{K:14766} 5/10/2003
...From which film ?
Michael Klemmer
{K:725} 5/9/2003
It is interesting - reminds me of a darkroom test strip a little.
lisa .
{K:9370} 5/8/2003
love yer jeans!!!.........and the pics good too......i have a weakness for jeans and they take priority all the time...like the stripes...not white but a green tone.....which after blue and purple is my next choice.
{K:717} 5/8/2003
thanks..and i will.. u come back then Julien..
-thomas b-
^j^ .
{K:8554} 5/7/2003
Good vibes you have... Keep sending them !!!
Kyle Blair
{K:1542} 5/7/2003
very cool perspective and composition. the frames are cool, and I agree with Dave, it would still be a great photo with out them.
michelle k.
{K:16270} 5/7/2003
i love this. the tones are great and the different frames are so cool! : )
Dave Deacon
{K:4053} 5/7/2003
I like this. The echo of the wooden planks in the overlay is a nice idea. Looks like it'd be a good shot without it.
Alex Belfi
{K:3344} 5/7/2003
Excellent composition!